9. It's all love and war

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"Your parents should have been killed Namjoon! NOT MINE!"

Those words ripped through my heart, the pain of regret filled me. I didn't agree with what my parents did. I loved Y/N's mum and dad and I never knew that they were going to die that night. I was suddenly filled with sorrow I never thought I would feel. Y/N loved her parents and because of me, she lost them.

I left the table without saying anything, following her to the room she was given. I slowly opened the door, peeking through the small gap I made to check she was there. I saw here perched on the side of the bed, head in her hands. I listened to her soft sniffles and whines that escaped her mouth as I progressed through the doorway to her. Trying not to startle her, I sat down beside her and placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. She jerked up her head and scurried across the bed, away from me, like a mouse being chased by a hungry cat.
"Don't touch me!" She hissed.
"I'm sorry y-"
"NO!" She screamed, "stay away from me Kim Namjoon!"
"Why?" I questioned.
She looked down
"B-because...I-I'm scared of you."
I sniggered, "What? Why the fuck are you scared of me?!"
"Your parents killed mine!" She cried.
I breathed out heavily in annoyance, "you know I wasn't part of the murder, my parents killed them not me!" I placed my hand on her knee.
She went silent...
"I-I know... I-I'm s-sorry..."

The room went awkwardly quiet and the only sounds were our synchronised breaths. I looked at her and realised she was staring at me. She quickly tried to look down but I held her chin so she couldn't. I stared into her tear filled, glassy eyes. They were big and soft shaped, with long dark lashes. They met mine and we stared into each other's eyes for what seemed like an eternity. I wanted to stare into her eyes more often. I wanted to stare at her perfectly sculpted face and hold her cheeks in my hands. I wanted to- WHAT AM I THINKING! I pulled away from her, before turning to leave the room, silently.

Staring into his eyes was like staring up at the night sky. His large pupils were shining and bright and filled with galaxies of lost emotions. Emotions he had tried to forget when he became a gang leader, just like I did. Feelings he tried to cover up. I wanted to help him feel them again. Because I knew that deep down inside him, he was still human. I wanted to lay down with him in my arms and feel these emotions- I snapped out of my thoughts to see him leaving the room.

That man is driving me crazy, and I despise it!

Suddenly, I heard a loud knock at my door. I walked over to it, and opened it up to see a smiling Jungkook. His bunny face hadn't seemed to change even after all these years. It brought back my old memories...

Jungkook smiled at me.
"I caught you," he bragged.
I rolled my eyes, "you want a medal or something?" I said sarcastically.
"Yes please," he answered back while showing his goofy smile.

Tears filled my eyes.
"Woah y/n what's wrong?" He gasped while pulling me into a hug. We stumbled through the doorway back into my bedroom, shutting the door behind us while not breaking the tight hug.

I cried into his shoulder and he patted my back comfortingly.
"What's wrong y/n? You can tell me anything."
"It's stupid Kookie."
"Nothing you say is stupid!" He sighed while pulling away from my body. I stared into his eyes, they weren't as deep as Namjoon's and they didn't make me feel the same way, but they were beautiful.
"I just miss the old days," I sighed.
"What do you mean?"
"I miss running around in summer and playing games, I miss chatting about anything but work and telling jokes."
He seemed startled at my answer, "I miss that too y/n but things have changed now," he sighed.
"I know, I'm sorry..."

Namjoon's POV
When I saw them hug, something twinged inside my chest, something I had never felt before. I felt anger and something else that I couldn't pinpoint. They went into her room, shutting the door behind them.

"Jin, tell everyone to meet me in the meeting room in five minutes," I said with aggression. He looked startled but nodded his head and walked away.

I headed to y/n's door and stormed in. Letting out my anger by slamming the door as much as I could.

The door to my room almost flew off its hinges as an angry looking Namjoon stormed in. He walked up to me, grasping my wrist harshly and pulling me away from Jungkook, towards the door. Once we were out he stopped me, looking me in the eyes.
"Stay away from him." He whispered, aggression still in his voice.
I bobbed my head to show I understood, even though I didn't.
"Jungkook," he shouted through the closed door, "you need to be in the meeting room in two minutes!"

He dragged me into a large room. Similarly to all the other rooms, the walls were black and white with matching furniture. In the centre of the huge room was a large glass table with ten black metal chairs, similar to the one I was tied up to the other night in the interrogation room.

Five of the chairs were already occupied by the other members. Hoseok motioned for me to sit down and I did as he said. Jimin was on my left and Taehyung on my right. I glanced nervously around the table and my eyes met with the one person I didn't want to look at. Namjoon's eyes glowed with anger, piercing into my soul and reading my every motion. I looked away, my face flushing pink slightly. I looked down, trying my best to avoid the cold looks that I was getting from Yoongi from across the table.

Jungkook walked in.
"You're 37 seconds late..."

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