7. The interrogation

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The strong scent of new carpets invaded my sensitive nose as my eyes flicked open. I looked round the room I was in; a band of bright sunlight flooded the room through the gap between the floor and the door; the basic whitewashed walls made the room seem simple, plain and boring; the floor was white tiled and stains of blood lay on it. I finally focused on myself; I was strapped to a chair, hands and feet chained to the chair legs; my head hurt like hell, I touched it and winced at the sharp pain I felt as a drop of blood trickled down my forehead; my eyes felt lazy and my body was tired but I forced myself to stay awake.

I managed to steadily regain consciousness as I heard quiet voices from outside of the empty room I was in. After a few minutes of muffled conversation, Namjoon walked in followed by Seokjin. I looked at their hands; Namjoon was carrying a small pocket knife, it's sharp blade glistened in the light; Seokjin was grasping a small black handgun, as it danced in the light, I made out his initials (K.S) on the handle. I shuddered and subconsciously retracted down into my seat like a small, scared mouse.

Namjoon crouched down to my height, resting a soft hand on my cheek. He caressed it slightly and allowed my breathing to relax and my body to free up slightly. I leant into his touch and he slashed at my other cheek with his knife. I tried to touch my stinging cheek but found myself pulling on the chains holding my wrists to the chair. Blood seeped out of the deep slash and ran down my face, staining it.

"Where is the information?" He questioned calmly.
"I said it was on my computer, are you deaf!" I laughed.
"And we found it, and deleted it but we know you too well Y/N." Seokjin spoke up from behind me.
"You're a very clever girl Y/N," Namjoon started to say, "you wouldn't steal information just for yourself, so tell us who did you give it to?"
I hesitated my breath shaking.
"I didn't give it to anyone." I said quietly but it came out more like a whisper.
Namjoon slashed at me again, this time the knife ripped through my jeans and cut a long line across my left thigh. I looked down at the fresh cut, pain filled my upper leg and my jeans began to turn deep red.

I looked up again and found myself staring into his eyes. God, if he wasn't butchering me I would say he was a nice looking guy. His black shirt which was unbuttoned at he top, was loosely tucked into his black ripped jeans. His hair hung messily over his eyebrows and tickled the tops of his ears. In his left ear was a small, silver, shining hoop and his right had a small silver stud earring. My eyes drifted down to his tattoo coated arms which were visible from the way his sleeves were rolled halfway up his arms. The our eyes met, staring deeply into each other's. I saw his eyes relax slightly but he was immediately snapped back into reality by Seokjin's loud voice.

"For fuck sake Y/N can you just hurry up and tell us where the stupid information is!"
"NO!" I shouted back, "No I won't tell you because I don't want to!"
The knife slashed my thigh three more times. Tears began to roll down my cheeks and my breath hitched at the pain. Namjoon proceeded to grasp my neck and lightly pressed the blunt side of the blood covered knife into my throat.
"Each time you deny sharing the information, I will press this knife deeper into your neck!" He said emotionlessly.
"Namjoon please stop!" I screamed, my face was now covered in hot salty tears. He applied more pressure to the small blade.

"Sir... don't," Seokjin spoke up.
Namjoon instantly lowered the knife and left the room.

Seokjin picked up my limp, weak body and carried my like a baby up two flights of stairs. He took me into a room and lay me down on a bed. I instantly relaxed into the silky softness of the sheets. I heard him leave as the door closed with a bang.

He reappeared a few minutes later and perched on my bed next to me. He took my jeans off and wrapped a bandage around my cut leg. I looked out of the window as his soft touch comforted me. It was dark outside and a half moon could be seen in the clear, star filled sky.

"I need to leave you now Y/N," he whispered gently, "sleep well." He leant down and pressed a soft kiss to my forehead. And with that, he left the room, the door closing behind him with a soft click.

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