15. Ricochet

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Never would I have thought this day would come, they say that I confessed to the boy who's parents killed mine. The boy who messed up my life when he kidnapped me and kept me locked inside this house. Never would I have thought that I would be helping them, the very kids who I used to love. I never thought that I could love them again. But I am proving myself wrong...

Stepping out of the black Rolls-Royce I breathed in the scent of the city again. The city that I have been kept away from for over a month. I looked up at the large skyscraper in front of me. The large, oversized glass windows maki g it more than easy for a barricade, the door, only secured by two guards. I laughed menacingly as I clutched the black gun behind my back. The gun that I chose from the secret room with the black door. I traced my fingers over the engraving of my initials as I walked calmly up to the other guards, alone.

"ID please!" Said the security guard in monotone.
"I think not!" I shouted while pulling my gun out and shooting down the two men. I snatched their ID's, keeping one and giving one to Namjoon who had now joined me along with the other members. "Glad you made it," I laughed as we walked into the large building, the building that belonged to Jung Soojeongu.

We marched through their corridors, shooting down anyone who attempted to stop us. I looked back at the members, their faces plastered with pure happiness and real smiles. We felt like family again and it warmed my heart.

I pushed open the his office door with absolute ease. "Wow security is so bad here!" I shouted at the man sat at his desk. He whipped out his gun, shooting mad bullets in random places, none of them even getting close to hitting us. Hoseok went up to the man, taking the gun off him and holding it up to Soojeongu's head. Yoongi gripped Jung Soojeongu's hands behind his back and held them tightly there.

"B-Bangt-tan b-boys-s?!" He stuttered.
"In the flesh," replied Hoseok.
"Why are you here?"
"We believe you have something of ours," said Namjoon. He walked closer to the man, his intense glare burning through his soul. Namjoon towered over Soojeongu to show his power and strength over his small, weak body.

"I don't know what you're talking about!" Soojeongu spat out.
"Give me the information and we will leave you alone." Namjoon shouted.
"I-I don't have it," He sighed.
"Shoot him," Namjoon ordered the two youngest members.
Hoseok's finger applied more pressure to the trigger.
"WAIT!" He shouted.
"What is it?" Asked Namjoon calmly.
"The memory stick..." he took a deep breath, "just take it!" He motioned to his neck where the same lanyard I gave him was hanging.
Namjoon snatched it, turning away and walking back to the way we came in. The other boys followed, leaving Soojeongu standing there eyes wide from shock.
I lifted my gun up at Soojeongu.
"You think we were letting you off?" I laughed menacingly.
He nodded in terror,
"Well maybe next time!" I smiled while pulling the trigger. The bullet ricochetted through the room as it pierced through is body. My sadistic smile was the last thing he saw before I strutted back out of the room and down to the cars.

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