2. I never said goodbye

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I couldn't sleep that night, the words of Mr Kim replayed in my head "...kill them..." Who was he going to kill and why? It wasn't the first time I had heard this kind of conversation. However this time, something seemed off. My house was even larger than jungkook's house. I slept in my own room on the second floor across the corridor from my parents room. I often felt safe and secure at night even when I was home alone. However, tonight was different. I was still freaking out about Mr Kim's words. I know that it was probably nothing and I shouldn't worry about it but I was. I sat up in bed and walked over to the window. I looked out over the glowing moon and the bright stars which surrounded me. I felt more relaxed now. Nature always found a way to comfort me. Then, suddenly, the peace and quiet was interrupted as I heard quiet voices below me. I opened the window, quietly and slowly, to not bring any attention to myself. I peeked out into the darkness below me only to see 2 figures. They were large, they had to be adults. I continued to stare, listening into the conversation.
"Sma— the wi—-w with —me-hing!"
"No — will m—e too -uch noi—!"
They were so quiet and I couldn't make out full sentences. After getting bored of listening, I realised they weren't going to do anything so I started to walk back to bed.
I ran back to the window and the clouds parted from in front of the moon. Moonlight shone onto the world below.

I now had a full view of the people below me... Mr and Mrs Kim, Namjoon's parents, my best friend's parents. I paused wondering what to do. Do I let them in? Maybe there was a problem with the gang and they needed help. I looked back down below to see that they had gone. Confused, tired and not really bothered, I walked back across the room and put on my shoes. I was going for a walk. I often did this late at night and my parents never found out, not that they would care.

As I was tying my last lace I heard two echoing gunshots followed by 2 synchronised loud screams. They came from across the hallway. I froze. Suddenly it all made sense. Mr and Mrs Kim had come to kill my parents! Why didn't I figure it out before! I felt tears begin to form in my eyes as I slid down the wall landing on the floor with a loud thud. "Oh shit!" I whispered under my breath.

2 pairs of footsteps began to head my way as I quickly stood up, grabbing my pre-packed emergency bag. The door burst open and I ran to the window, knowing that it was my only way to escape. Luckily I had done this before. I slid out of the window and scrambled my way across the window ledge, then I manoeuvred to the drainpipe clinging onto it while slowly lowering myself down to the ground. I instantly took off. I knew they were following me. I could hear their footsteps resounding through the night. But I was young and fast from all the times playing hide and seek tig with the boys. I ran out of the driveway to see a car parked by the side of the road. I peered in through the darkened windows. And what I saw, I will never forget.

Inside the car 6 men, dressed all in black. And I knew who they were alright. Yes, the fathers of the boys I had grown up with, the men who looked after me as though I was their second child. My parent's best friends, work partners, bosses and most of all, the people that they trusted. I broke down in tears and ran as fast and my legs would carry me.

Why would they do that? My parents own gang members plotted against them, they betrayed them, broke their trust. My anger rose up inside me. I TRUSTED THEM! But what hurt me most of all was the insanity of Namjoon's parents. They committed the crime, they murdered my parents! I didn't know what to do. I could go to the police and report them. No it was too risky, The Bighit Boys would surely come after me too and I know exactly why. To kill me. I rethought, I could go to one of the boys' houses. They would let me in. No I couldn't, their parents would come home and find me and kill me. Not to mention the fact that I was now pissed at what they had done to me! I felt my blood boiling, I had never been this angry before. WHY WOULD THEY DO THAT! I paused as I stopped running. "This is war!"

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