14. "I love you"

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So I lay there, handcuffed to a bedpost, blindfolded. The room was silent the door was closed but I could hear muffled shuffling in the room which was probably Namjoon. It stayed silent for 5 minutes until finally I got bored and spoke up.
"Yah Namjoon this is kinky!" I complained, "untie me!"
His deep laugh echoed through the room, "how do I know you're not going to kill me?" He asked.
I sighed accepting that he was right.
"Why did you try to escape?"
"I couldn't bear being in this place any longer."
"You tried to kill me!" He shouted.
I thought, puzzled. I never tried to kill him. "Wait what?! I never tried to kill you!" I said offended.
"Yoongi Hyung said you did! Said you hit me on the head!"
"WHAT NO!" I screamed, "you fainted and hit your head of the floor, I applied pressure to the cut in your head to stop the blood flow! You would have died if it wasn't for me!" I defended myself.

He stopped and everything was quiet again. "You saved me?" He questioned, his voice was almost a whisper.
"Yes..." I whispered, I hung my head low.
"I'm sorry," his voice broke and silent sobs could be heard echoing across the room. Is he crying?!
"Come here..." I whispered, still unaware of my surroundings.
I felt the handcuffs being unclipped and the blindfold getting taken off as light flooded my vision.
I pulled his body into mine, wrapping my arms around his muscular torso. He did the same, one hand holding onto my head as if it was the most precious thing in the world. Eventually I broke the hug, looking up at his bloodshot eyes.

His lips crashed into mine as his body pulled me to sit on his lap just so that we could be closer. I sighed into the kiss as he slipped his tongue in, excavating my mouth. He moaned and held me tighter. When we pulled apart we both lay down on the bed in each other's arms.

"Yes sweetie."
"I am going to get that memory stick back."
"What... how?" He seemed shocked, "wait why do you want to help us?"
I looked at him, the way his dimples dipped gently into his cheeks, how his eyes crinkled slightly when he smiled. His eyes, his deep, deep eyes staring into mine, portraying the vision of a thousand galaxies twisted into one.
"Because..." I hesitated, "I love you..." I said.
"His head snapped in my direction, eyes full of happiness and admiration, "I love you too." He smiled.

"So here's the plan..."

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