13. The Death of The Maid

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I slowly plodded my way down the endless corridors of the extremely large house. My footsteps were quiet and my breathing matched it. However my heart, felt like it was going to jump out of my chest at any given moment. I was used to killing people, but I was scared. I hadn't pulled a gun trigger for weeks now, since I murdered my old gang members. Memories of my tragic and messed up past filled my head and I thought of how I wouldn't even be in this mess of Namjoon's parents didn't kill mine. I sucked in a sharp breath and pushed the pain back down inside me.

I peeked through a door after hearing tuneful whistling. I saw her. Black dress with a white pinafore over the top. In her left hand was a red bucket and her right, a mop. She was slowly and precisely cleaning the white tiled floor. I saw her attempting to clean off blood as the red, brown stains mixed with the bubbly water from the bucket.

I walked in with confidence in my step. Something changed in me then. It was as though the murderer inside me finally reappeared after all these weeks. I felt evil and ready to kill. Ready to spill blood again.

"Ah y/n! You didn't escape?" She questioned while looking up from her cleaning.
"No... I was stopped."
"Oh... I'm sorry that had to happen to you," she sighed while going back to her cleaning.
I lifted the safety catch of the gun, sliding it out of my pocket and holding it against her head.
"So now I guess it's goodbye..." I laughed. I couldn't see her face because her back was turned from me, but I could tell that on her face, was an expression of shock and betrayal.
"Y/n please don't do this!" She whined, her voice catching in her throat.
"It's already too late!" I laughed menacingly while pulling the trigger multiple times.

The first bullet shot into her head and blood spurted out, of the small hole. The second one exploded her head fully as blood and raw flesh flew around the room. The third bullet went straight through her, hitting the wall at the other side of the room. All of this happened within milliseconds and resulted in her lifeless body lying on the floor.

"Wow what a show," laughed a deep male voice from behind me. I turned round to see Yoongi with a shocked and impressed expression plastered on his face.
"Well I'm half tempted to do the same to you," I smirked.
His face dropped to angry as I walked up to him, clutching the gun in both of my hands. I got so close to him, the gun resting on his forehead. My finger applied more pressure to the trigger, not pulling it enough to shoot him but pulling it just enough to threaten him. Suddenly, the gun was whipped out of my grasp as a large pair of hands moved my hands together in front of me and clicked the handcuffs around them. I was blindfolded and dragged away.

"You and I need to have a little talk!" His deep voice ripped through me...

Kim Namjoon.

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