5. The files

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Logging into my computer, I loaded up all of the applications that I needed. I typed speedily into the keyboard, my fingers looked as though they were running a race. I sipped on my coffee and clicked away for hours. Finally, it was done, I had all the information I needed. Everything I could get my hands on was now mine, all saved on a memory stick. I fastened the memory stick to a lanyard and hung it round my neck, tucking it under my clothes. The metal was cold against my chest, I shuddered. Now, I wait...


Namjoon's POV
"Namjoon hyung!" I heard Jimin's voice calling me from down the hallway.
"Yes, what is it?" I said calmly back while walking to the office where his voice was coming from.
"Leader, we have a problem!" Said a panicked Hoseok while he jogged up to me.
"What happened?!" I asked back, my breathing quickened.
"Our system, it's been hacked!" Shouted Jimin.
"WHAT!" I screamed at them. My heart was thundering in my chest and my whole body felt as though it was shaking. I walked over to the computer where our information was kept. He was right, the writing and all of our information was jumbled up and half of it was in a coding I didn't even recognise. This had to be the work of a genius, no ordinary hacker could do this, not even in a group. I listed all the possible people it could be until my mind rested on one person.
"It was y/n," I confidently stated.
"How do you know?" Jin asked while walking in.
"Don't you remember the post she put on MyCriminal? She said she was coming after us. Also she is the only person I know who could do this." I pointed out.
"That's a very good point," Jungkook spoke up, "she is clearly after us for revenge."
"Revenge for what?" Asked Yoongi curiously. We all went silent, thinking, until Taehyung spoke...
"Revenge for killing her parents..."

I gulped, this is war y/n!

"We need to get our information back, how much did she take?" I asked.
"All of it!" Hoseok replied, anger filling his face, filling all of our faces.
"Park Jimin, find out where her work building is, we will storm in on them tomorrow evening and get our information back."
"Yes leader." He replied before beginning to click and type away on his laptop.
"Jungkook and Yoongi, get the guns and equipment loaded and ready."
"Yes sir," they both replied before rushing off.
"Taehyung, fuel up the cars. Hoseok and Jin, come with me."
"Of course boss," they all said and we all went our separate ways.

I pulled a chair out from under the table and sat on it, they did the same. As soon as the three of us were seated, I began. "We are going to go in two cars. Me, jungkook and Yoongi in one and; Jimin, Taehyung, Jin and Hoseok in the other. When we get there we have to be fast because they have really good security there. We should park around the corner, that way we are less noticeable. We walk in and they will ask us for our ID. We shoot them all. Next we find her office, go in and get her. DON'T KILL HER! We will bring her back here in my car and figure out what to do with her from there." I took a deep breath, "do you understand?" They nodded before shaking hands with me, it's a plan!


It had only been a few hours since I hacked their system and took all their information. I was ready to progress to the next step. If they wanted the information back, it would be too easy just to find me and take it. Let's play a game of hide and seek, just like the old days...

I marched up to Jung Soojeongu's office, it had been years since I had been here. He wasn't a co-worker or a friend. He was my enemy but an enemy of the Bangtan Boys too. I gripped the memory stick in my left hand as butterflies flew through me. I knocked on the front door and he answered quickly.
"Y/N!" His eyes narrowed and his face transformed into a scowl, "what are you doing here?"
"Business, only business," I replied while smiling sweetly at my ex boyfriend.

Yes we used to date, for about three years. We were happy and were in a beautiful relationship. One day I came home from work earlier, I heard voices in the living room so I walked in. There he was talking to Kim Namjoon's parents. He was going to sell me to the BigHit Boys. I ran off and never saw him again. Since then he has been my enemy. He promised to give me to the BigHit Boys but failed, they hated him after that. Therefore, he is enemies with the Bangtan Boys too.

"Here," I spat at him while handing him the memory stick, "do what you want with it!"
"What's on it?" He questioned.
"All of the Bangtan Boys' information." I replied with a menacing grin.
"How did you get it?" He asked suspiciously.
"Easy I just hacked their system."
He seemed really shocked, "I thought their system was almost impossible to hack."
"Yeah it is," I said cockily, "unless you're an amazing hacker like me."
And with that I walked off, leaving him with the memory stick. Luckily I had saved all of the information to my own computer so I could use this against them when the time came.

I walked back home in the rain, letting it softly fall down and paint my cheeks in clear water. It ran down my forehead and dropped into my eyes. My hair was drenched and my clothes were soaked. I ran though the puddles, creating big splashes which splattered water up my already soaking legs... "What a day," I sighed.

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