16. "Some things never change"

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10 years later
"PARK JIMIN!" I screamed, I'm going to get you you little..."
A body collided with mine, knocking me to the floor and landing on top of me.
"Fuck agh Joonie you're heavy!" I cried as he rolled off me.
"Sorry y/n, did you get Yoongi?"
"No I still haven't found him," I whined.
I heard giggling coming from the bedroom so I walked in, knowing just where they would be.

I slid under the bed, tapping all three of them! "Found you!" I laughed psychotically. They whined and groaned in response as they all slithered out from under the bed. "Who is left?" Asked Jungkook cutely.
"Just Yoongi." Replied Namjoon as he wrapped his arm around my waist, nuzzling his face into my neck. I giggled in response.
"Come on dorks he is probably at base already."

We ran to the living room to find Yoongi sat on the couch looking more than comfortable. A bead of sweat trickling down his forehead. I punched him in the arm lightly. "You won again, mr speedy!" I laughed. He looked up at me and smiled gently...

"Some things never change..."

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