3. Finish what you started

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9 years ago I ran away from my troubles. 9 years ago I ran away from my parents lifeless bodies, I knew there was no going back. I knew I couldn't face the boys or their fathers ever again. So I ran. I ended up living on the streets. I was never happy there. I was constantly terrified. Kidnappers would try to take me, rapists would harass me and drug dealers would scare the life out of me. Not only was I scared of this, but I knew that living on the streets of a large city, close to my home, the bighit boys could find me anytime and I was sure they would want to kill me. After a month of living on the streets in fear, I was adopted by the owners of an orphanage. They took me to their place and I lived there, happy and comfortably for 7 years. I liked it there, why? Because they listened to me. I would threaten them with my knives and guns. If they didn't leave me alone I would get angry. I couldn't help it because of my awful upbringing but they were scared and it seemed to work.

By the age of 16, I was old enough to buy my own apartment. Luckily my parents were very wealthy people and gave me a bank account of my own when I was born. I used this to get out of the orphanage and buy my own apartment in the centre of Seoul.

Now I am 16, living alone in South Korea's capital city and wondering how to regain my life. What did I want to do? I had never been in education so it was too late to start thinking about that. I thought. I had flashbacks of the old memories in my head...

"Daddy how do you do it," I asked, holding the heavy black handgun in both of my tiny hands. "Here sweetie," he replied, "load it by pulling this," the gun made a click, "and now pull the trigger."
I pulled, they gun went off with a loud bang! "Daddy I did it!" I shouted. He hugged my tiny figure.
"Well done sweetie, you're gonna grow up to be a criminal, just like me!"...

I refocused on the black handgun in front of me, "I'm going to finish... what they started!"

2 years later

At the moment I work as a criminal, I am the leader of an all female gang called Shadow Moon and we are the most feared group in the world. My gang consists of four members: me, Iggy, Camryn and Oli. We have been working together for 2 years, committing some of the worst crimes: murders, mass killings, robbery's and attacks. I am also one of the most skilled hackers in the world and a multi millionaire.

"Wake up lazy ass!" Iggy screamed in my ear. I sat up lazily. "We are going to miss the meeting leader!" She shouted. I ran around my apartment frantically, grabbing paperwork and notebooks and throwing on some clothes. I jumped in the drivers seat of the large black Land Rover. Iggy sat in the passenger seat, Camryn in the back left and Oli in the back right. We said nothing as we drove towards our work building. The stress and nerves grew inside my stomach and I could feel the tension hanging in the air. I looked at Iggy sat next to me and forced a smile. She looked at me and tried to do the same but it was clear that the energy in the car was low. Finally we pulled up outside headquarters and hopped out of the car.

We walked through the large glass double doors and into the grand entrance hall. We walked down the echoing hallway. Our footsteps resounded as they hit the cold, hard, stone floor. Receptionists greeted us upon our arrival as we made our way to the lift. We stepped into the lift and pressed the button for the top floor. The lift slowly climbed up and the doors opened with a quiet bing.

"As you can see," I raised my voice while pointing to various maps and pictures on the wall, "Shadow Moon has accomplished and achieved many great things in the past two years." I glanced around the room at the many people sat around the conference table. "However, the we have a new problem." I started to explain. "You see Shadow Moon is the world's biggest gang and we had no issue with competition until today." Confusion filled the faces of the workers in the room. "As you may know, the Bighit Boys are an ex-criminal gang group, now too old to continue business. So they decided to hand down their work... to their sons!" Gasps filled the room, I called off the meeting and was finally left alone to my thoughts.

This was it, I thought my horrors would be over when the Bighit Boys retired but no. Their sons have taken over: Namjoon as the leader and Jin, Yoongi, Hoseok, Jimin, Tae and Jungkook as the members. Before, I would have ran away at the thought but now, I was strong enough to get revenge. Imagine how much it would hurt their parents if something happened to their precious little sons. Yes, this was an opportunity for me to get my own back on them for killing my family. There was only one problem... I wanted to do it alone.

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