4. "Any last words?"

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I walked into our private meeting room; the other gang members looked up at me upon my arrival. I smiled a fake smile and sat down on the couch across from them. "I've been thinking," I started, "don't you think we should put all of our money into one shared bank account ?"

"Hahaha what?" laughed Camryn, "You want us to share a bank account?"

I stared her down, my deep eyes pierced into hers. I knew my won members were scared of me, especially when I got angry. "Yes, it would be easier and more efficient to share an account instead of having our own," I lied.

"So why do we need to have a shared account?" asked Iggy.

"Because if you die Iggy, your money can be can be used to keep the gang running, so your stupid dead self can help us stay successful."

"That's dumb!" Camryn retorted.

Finally Oli spoke up, "actually I see y/n's point here,  think we should."

After a few more minutes of intense arguing, I managed to get them all to move their money into a shared bank account. We now had 800 million in the account. I smiled a fake grin at them...

Mission accomplished.


6 days later- In the dormitory

I called them into the basement all at the same time, they looked confused but not at all knowing of what was about to come. I held my black hand gun behind my back, my finger brushed over the delicate engravings of my initials. They stood in a line, side by side, shoulder to shoulder. My lips turned up into an evil, menacing grin. "Bitches, it's been a pleasure to work with you, honestly. But now you are slacking and I can't have distractions holding me back." I looked at their terrified faces. "YOU'RE PATHETIC!" I spat.

I released the safety catch on the gun with a click.

"Any last words?"


"I thought not..." I said while pulling the trigger three times, hitting the three criminals in the heads. The noise of the shots echoed around the room as blood flew everywhere, splattering the whitewashed walls in thick crimson blood. The three of them fell to the ground. I kicked their lifeless bodies then reached into their pockets, taking out their bank cards. I fired the remaining bullets at them, just to make more of a mess, before walking out, and locking the door.

I walked out onto the empty streets, I felt relieved and relaxed after doing the crime had been waiting to commit for years. I threw the key to the basement down the nearest drain.


I walked to the nearby woods. I often came here alone to reflect on my feelings. I walked through the dense trees and shrubbery as the shadows swished and spun around me. I lit a fire and threw in their cards, watching them burst into flames like their souls. Not only could I call myself a criminal, but also a criminal mastermind. Finally I felt at ease; my co-workers were finally dead, I was loaded with money and I could finally start planning my revenge on the Bangtan Boys.


1 week later:

News of the strange disappearances of the criminal gang had spread quickly and before I knew it, the while world seemed to know, criminal organisations and newspapers were now taking about the hottest topic of the disappearing group. Had they disbanded, been killed or imprisoned. Finally I knew that hiding wasn't going to get me anywhere so I started plotting my next attack.

I went online, typing speedily into my laptop. I went straight to the dark web and onto MyCriminal, a social media site for criminal gangs only. It sounds dumb but it's the best way for us to contact each other. I logged in before posting a simple picture and caption to hopefully get the message across:

 I logged in before posting a simple picture and caption to hopefully get the message across:

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This was finally it, the beginning of my revenge on the sons on the very men who plotted against, and killed my beloved parents. I started to brainstorm, I didn't want to kill them straight away, torturing them first would be more fun, besides, I could get some useful information out of them.

For weeks and months I planned my revenge at every possible moment I had. During sitting at a desk and working, I managed to get out and rob a few banks, assassinate a few too many people; I did a huge drug trade, making tonnes of money for myself. Eventually, people worked out that Shadow Moon, the biggest gang, was now gone. But there was a new threat... Y/N a young solo criminal who was causing mayhem all over the world. I was the hottest topic on social media, and the most talked about person on the news.


2 months later:

I finally felt ready, this was it, my revenge was going to happen. My master plan was finally going ahead, and I was doing it alone!

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