11. Kiss and make up

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The next morning I emerged from my room with a smile on my face. I walked down the corridor, stopping at a large white door with a golden handle, identical to mine. I placed my hand on the handle, pushing it down and sliding the door open.

The smell of blood and antiseptics invaded my nose as I stepped into the sunlit room. In the centre of the room was a large bed with white sheets and a decorative bed frame. Inside the bed, lay Namjoon. His usual deep, dark eyes were closed and his often angry face was replaced wit a gentle, sleeping one.

I walked up to his bed, perching on it slightly and taking his bandages hand in both of mine. I rubbed my thumb over the blood stained bandage and felt something strange in my stomach. Slowly, his eyes drifted open and they focused on my face, a confused expression contrasting to his previous peaceful one.

"Namjoon... I-"
"I'm sorry," he interrupted.
My eyes widened, did he just apologise to me? I didn't know what to do, I was frozen in place, my brain was on lockdown so I did the only thing I could think of doing at that moment in time.

Namjoon's POV
Her gentle lips landed unexpectedly on mine. She slowly started to move them as I tensed up at her strange act, finally I kissed back. My lips moved in sync with hers and they connected and reconnected with each other's slowly but passionately. I wanted more as I gently bit her lip, pulling on it. She opened her mouth in response and I took the opportunity to slip my tongue into her mouth, running it along her bottom lip beforehand. Her left hand gripped onto my waist and her right hand delved deep into the roots of my hair, pulling it lightly as if to add more passion and lust. I held onto her waist as she straddled my body which was still sprawled out across the messy bed from my sleep. My fingers fiddled with the waistband of her jeans and I desperately wanted more. She pulled away...
"Jung Soojeongu," She whispered quietly. It was almost inaudible but I managed to make out the name of the one man I hated the most.
I tilted my head at her in confusion.
"Jung Soojeongu," she repeated, "I gave the files to Jung Soojeongu." She looked down, clearly ashamed and regretful.

I was angry, I was fuming! Out of all the people in the world, she gave my worst enemy the information. Knowing Soojeongu, he would never give it back to us even if we threatened to kill him. I breathed a frustrated sigh.

"I'm really sorry, I..." She started.
"Just shut the fuck up and stop apologising, there's nothing we can do about it now!" I shouted, glaring into her soul.
Y/N left without a word and I called the boys for an emergency meeting, without her.

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