Chapter Three

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Your P.O.V.

I'm in by bedroom busy getting dressed for my nightly training. I decided to skip dinner and just start my training. I walked through the empty corridors and passed the dining room. As usual they didn't notice I was gone but I saw Loki kept moving around in his seat and looking around barely touching his food.

I ignored it and made my to the arena. As I made it to the arena, I took my F\W and began to hit the dummy. I stopped when I heard a cough behind me.

"You missed dinner." A familiar velvety voice said a few feet away from me. I turned around to see Loki looking at me with a consurned expression on his face. I turned and began to hit the dummy again.

"May I ask why?" He asked and I heard his footsteps coming closer.

"I wasn't hungry." I answered and hit the dummy at the head making it break off.

"Oh but are you still coming to the bar with us?" He asked picking up the dummy's head and tossing it lightly into the air. I sighed and made my way to the weapons shelf.

I went to place my F\W down on the shelf but it disappeared in a green mist. My weapon fell to the floor and I turned to Loki and shaked my head.

He was laughing his ass off and didn't notice me walking towards him. I stood in front of him and hit the dummy out of his hand and he jumped at my actions.

"What was that for?" He asked with a innocent smile and his hands up in surrender. I gave him a really look that made him laugh again.

"I'm sorry I couldn't help myself. I am the God of Mischief after all." He smirked and I rolled my eyes and walked back to where my weapon was still on the floor.

"Okay I'm sorry but you didn't answer my question." He said putting the dummy's head back on.

"Yes I will just be late because I still have duties that I have to attend before I can join you guys." I said dusting off my weapon and placed it on the real shelf.

"Alright then. I will see you there Lady Y\N." He said bowing to me in which I returned with smile.

"See you later Prince Loki." I smiled and felt a light blush form on my face.

He smiled and kissed my hand and left to his chamber. I stood in the arena a big blushing mess.

(At the bar)

As walked into the bar I saw Thor and Volstagg was alrrady drunk as hell. Thor was dancing on the tables and Volstagg flirted with his food (its not like it was any different than what he usually does on a daily basis) but this time he tried to kiss it.

I walked to a stool and order a F\D. I heard the stool beside me pull out. At the corner of my eye I saw Loki sitting beside me.

"Glad you could make it Y\N." He smiled with a glass of wine in his hand. I responded with a smile and my drink came and I took a sip.

"I'm just surprised." I said looking at him while he took a sip if his wine.

"What do you mean?" He said with a raised eyebrow. I was about to answer until Thor came between us and made an annoying noise like a Frost Giant being burned by a Fire Giant but on stareods.

"Thor go home you are drunk." I laughed and pushed Thor away from me.

"I'm not drunketh. I'm fine." He rambeled and came too close to my face in my opinion.

"Thor!" Loki yelled causing Thor to frown at him then ran off yelling again and danced on one of the table again. I burst out laughing and wiped away my tears.

"I'm so sorry of my brothers ignorance." Loki shakes his head and put his empty glass on the table.

"Don't apologise its just Thor being well..." I looked at Thor who was now chugging down two glasses of beer at the same time. "Well Thor."

Loki chuckled and sended a charming smile my way which I returned with a small smile.

I took a sip of my F\D and placed the empty glass on the table. I looked at Loki. He looked at me like he was making a desicion but couldn't make up his mind

"Prince Loki are you alright?" I waved my hand in front of his face and  snapped him out of his little daydream.

"Yes I-I'm fine. Why you asking?." He said and took his empty wine glass and took a sip. I giggled and he looked at me like I was the crazy one.

"For starters you are drinking out of an empty wine glass." I giggled and shook my head in amusement. He blushed a bright colour red and placed his glass back down.

"Oops." Was all he could say and I felt myself blushing and a smiled formed my lips.

"Do you maybe w-want to walk through t-the gardens with me? This place is to wild for my likings." He asked and looked over his shoulder at Thor and Fandral who were so drunk now that they were flirting with chairs.

"I would enjoy that and we better go now before Thor smashes another..." I was cut off by a flying glass bottle coming towards us, hitting the wall and breaking into a million pieces.

"Yeah let's go now." He said grabbing my hand and we left the bar and walked to the gardens. Hand in hand!!!

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