Chapters Thirteen

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Your P.O.V.

Man my Anxiety really isn't helping this situation! I made my way to the dining room and it looked stunning as always.

The big table with many seats to choose from. I looked around the room and saw Loki looking at me and his mouth was hanging open slightly. Thor looked me up and down and it made me feel most unpleasant.

I took my seat next to Loki and across from Thor and they both couldn't keep their eyes off me. It was rather uncomfortable.

"Lady Ignatius please tell us about yourself." Odin spoke making me startle a bit.

I gave an innocent smile and began to tell them about a fake story. Until things got bad...very bad.

Loki and Thor were busy telling me of a time when they were young they called each other dumb nicknames like Mischief for Loki and Hammerhead for Thor.

But then Loki made a big snorty remark.

(Asgard isn't destroyed in this story so Ragnorak didn't happen)

"I remember this man called the grandmaster called Thor Lord of Thunder or Sparkles." Loki chuckled

Thor laughed it up until Loki started to make more embarrassing stories about Thor. Thor started to get upset. His grip on his wine glass tightened.

"Brother that's enough." Thor said impatiently.

But Loki kept on telling stories. Thor then threw the table and sadly I had a slow reflex and the table landed on me.

I was trapped thanks to Thor's temper tantrum and Loki's snorty remarks.

"THOR!" Loki yelled at him with rage and anger.



I just laid there awkwardly with the table still on top of me.

"THAT'S ENOUGH GET HER OUT OF THERE!" Odin commanded and both Thor and Loki lifted up the table and a royal guard dragged me out. I was okay but I pretended I was injured thanks to a spell I learned back home.

I made a illusion of my ankle being hurt. It looked all purple and swelled up.

"Oh no get her to the healers immediately!" Loki demanded and the royal guard ran off to the healers with me in his arms.

Lies (loki x reader) Complete Where stories live. Discover now