Chapter Four

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Your P.O.V.

Loki and I left the bar hand in hand and was on our way to the gardens. I love going to the gardens and look at all the flowers and animals roaming between the bushes. My favourite was the F\F. Bit sadly they only grew on Midgard and not in the Asgardian Gardens.

We made it to a beautiful Willow tree at the side of the river. Loki sat down and patted the spot next to him. I gave a light blush and sat beside him and I leaned against the tree. I looked at the night sky and the stars were most beautiful this time of the year.

"So Y\N why did you skip dinner?" Loki asked an looked at me with a raised brow.

"I wasn't hungry Loki." I repeated my words and looked at the starry sky again.

"It truly is beautiful." I said looking at the stars.

"It truly is." He said and I felt him staring at me but I kept my eyes at the sky. He sat closer to me and I lightly blushed.

I looked at him and he looked deep into my soul with his emerald green eyes. He did the same face back at the bar as if he was making a desicion.

But before I could ask him what was wrong someone took the back of our heads and smashed my and Loki's lips on to each other and they said now kiss. At first I was hesitant to kiss back but I soon melted into the kiss. We pulled away and our eyes automatically locked into each other.

"Victorious!" Thor yelled and put his hands up in the air. I looked at him in shock and felt my blood boil.

"THOR WHY DID YOU DO THAT!" I yelled at him and he started to slowly back away. Loki looked at Thor with total rage in his eyes. Thor didn't answer and then turned around and ran as fast as he could.

I hid my face in my hands and just repeated in my head why me? Why me? why me?

"Y\N" Loki said and took my hands away from my face and held my hands in his big cold hands.

"Yes Loki?" I blushed and braced for his answer. He smiled his award winning smile and leaned in to plant a kiss on my lips once more. I wrapped my arms around his neck and played with the ends of his hair. His arms snaked around my waist and pulled me closer. Our mouths moved in perfect sync.

We pulled away and he placed his forehead on mine but our eyes were still closed and we gasped for air.

"Y\N I love you. Ever since the first day I laid eyes on you and I always hoped you loved me back. You make me feel new feelings I never felt before. You make me feel comfortable underneath my skin." He said and rubbed my lower back and we opened our eyes at the same time and locked  eyes immediately.

"I-I love you too Loki." I smiled and felt my heart doing somersaults in my chest. No one has ever opened up to me like that before.

Loki smiled and hugged me tightly and I enjoyed this moment and took in his scent. All this time I thought Loki had feelings for Sif but I guess I was wrong and I'm glad I was.

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