Chapter Eleven

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Your P.O.V.

As I stood in front of the Allfather I felt the same way the last time we spoke. Fear. What if he recognized me and now I'm going to get executed!

"You demanded my presence Your Majesty." I bowed.

"Rise Lady Ignatius." He smiled and it made me confused. I never saw the Allfather smile before, it felt unnatural.

"I demanded your presence so I could invite you personally to eat with the royal family tonight." He stood up and walked towards me. My heart pounded in my chest like an angry ape in a cage.

"I would be honoured your highness."
I smiled but felt scared at the same time. It scared me to see Odin smile and being nice.

"I'm glad to hear that you'll be attending. I see my son Loki sees something in you so I would like to get to know you better." He patted my shoulder and it scared me half to death. He nodded and went back to his throne. He dismissed me and I went back to my room. 

Did the king just? Did he though? No its must be a trick...but the king never plays tricks! He doesn't even have a sense of humor.

"Y\N" a voice behind me snapped me out of my thoughts. I looked behind me and saw Sif standing at my door.

"Yes?" I answered and she furrowed her eyebrows.

"What?" I asked impatiently. Man this curse I'm in is ruining my temper.
Sif help! Help me!

"You seem different." She said walking closer towards me. I took a step back but my back hit the wall.

"You're eyes they're red? I thought you had E\C eyes." She said.

"No they were always red my sister."

At that moment Sif pulled out her sword and pointed it to me. I held my hand up in surrender.

"Who are you and what have you done with Y\N!" She yelled.

"My sister it is me."


"Y\N would never call me sister. You're not Y\N!" She took a step closer to me. I grinned and kicked her at the stomach. She fell to the ground and her sword skidded across the floor.

"I wondered how long it would've taken you to realise it." I grinned and pointed a sword at her neck.

"Y\N what happened?" She asked.

"None of your business Sif. Let's just say you are going to have to say your goodbyes a little early." I giggled evily and held the sword in the air.

"Any last words?" I grinned.

"Yes. I'm sorry." She said and I raised my brows.

"For what?" I furrowed my eyebrows.

"For everything. For getting you bansished and not telling you the truth." She sighed.

I started to stumble around hitting everything in sight.

Yes the spell is wearing off!!! Thank you Sif. Those are three words I never thought I'd say.

"NOOOOOO!" I yelled and then every thing went dark.

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