-chapter two-

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A/N: Hi and thanks for reading my story. If there are any grammar mistakes please comment so i can correct them. I'm Dutch so i'm not that good in English. my story is probably going to only be in hermione's pov, but if it is going to be different you will see.



blaise's pov

"Mum! dad!" i yelled. our manor was a little bit on the bigger side so if you wanted to speak to someone you had to yell. "yes dear?" i hear from the kitchen. i run downstairs to the kitchen to see both my parents standing there. "i wanted to ask, since it is my eighteenth birthday tomorrow, if i could know what the secret is." i asked hopefully. I know they had a secret and every time i asked for it they said that they will tell me when i'm old enough. my parents looked at each other and my father nodded to my mother. "well.. " she began. "when you were born you were not the only one born, a few minutes later, 5 to be exact, your twin sister was born. but because Voldemort wanted all girls if there was a boy already in the family to be killed." "you didn't kill my sister did you!" "no of course we did not kill your sister" my mother said calm." we brought her to a muggle family who couldn't have kids and we put a glamour charm on her. Voldemort only knew of a boy coming so he believed the story." my mother said now almost crying." we don't know were she is but only what her new last name is" now my mother was fully crying. "what is it then, maybe i know her of hogwarts" i asked my father. "Her last name is Granger." i almost passed out and needed to sit down. "do you know who she is blaise?" my mother asked me. "yes i said."

after telling them the whole story about Draco and sometimes me calling her names they got very mad. and they started yelling at me. i told them we had to do it because otherwise voldemort would believe they were on his side. they were actually spies for the order. i told them i would go and meet her tomorrow and if she wanted to bring her home.

~time skip to the next day~

Hermione's pov

i suddenly got very nervous. what if this was just a trap. these thoughts raced trough my minds but then. i saw Blaise and he walked over to sit down at my table. "so what did you wanted to talk about?" i ask him nervously. "you don't have to be nervous i'm just here to tell something. " i look at him very irritated when he doesn't continue. " hermione you.... you are adopted." i looked at him as if he had just shrunken. "you are my twin sister, our parents gave you away because every girl if there already was a boy in the family was ordered to be killed. you have a glamour charm on you that's why you don't look like me. i only heard about it today." i tried to stay calm at the information i had just gotten but it didn't work i wanted to walk away but then i fell. when i stood up i saw blaise his eyes looking at me. "are you okay." "yeah" i say very confused. "so do you want to go home and meet your real parents?" "yeah" i immediately jump up of ecxitement. Blaise holds his arm out for me. oh no side apparition.

when i felt ground under me again i openend my eyes. i saw a beautiful manor. (picture below)

blaise saw me gaping and said "you should be careful sis you can get very lost in here

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blaise saw me gaping and said "you should be careful sis you can get very lost in here." i smiled as he called me sis. "thanks bro" he smiled back. he knocked on the door and a house elf opened. "is this the new master, sir Blaise?" the little house elf asked. "yes and i told you you can just call me Blaise." " okay" the house elf said as he let us in. "your mouth is open hermione" "oh.. yes i'm just very impressed by this house." i said as i closed my mouth and looked around.

"blaise are you back already!?" i heard voices and people were getting closer.

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