-chapter 7-

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A/N: Hi and thanks for reading my story. If there are any grammar mistakes please comment so i can correct them. I'm Dutch so i'm not that good in English. my story is probably going to only be in hermione's pov, but if it is going to be different you will see. hermione's pov will be changed into sophia. sophia and blaise can talk trough their minds if they do it will be like this: {hey} sophia's clothes are above.



i was sitting in a compartment with harry, ron, ginny, neville and luna. 7th years did not have to wear a uniform so i just decided to wear a black skirt and a pink shirt. Ron left a little while ago saying he had to use the bathroom. i was thinking about blaise and our parents when i needed to use the bathroom too. i walked to the bathroom as i looked into the appartements. i saw ron sitting in one, i continued walking. wait what. i walked back and saw ron kissing lavender. i pulled open the compartement door and i yelled "ron, i see that you have found someone better than me, were over!" then i slammed the door shut. running back to the compartment but running into blaise first. malfoy told me to look were i was going but i didn't care. blaise saw my tears so he asked trough my mind. {sophia what's wrong?} {it is ron he cheated on me with lavender. don't kill him or people will start to notice something} i got to the compartment of harry and ginny and i walked in crying. they saw me and said. "mione what happend, are you alright?" "it's ron... he cheated on me with lavander." "ill go find him."harry said. "i will stay here with you." ginny said. 

just before the feast mcgonagall got to me. "hermione can you come with me please it's about you aunt and cousins. ginny can you come for support please." then she turned to harry and ron. "i don't think she will be here at hogwarts, her aunt and cousins are doing really bad, she needs to be with them." they nodded and harry gave me a hug. then ron wanted to hug me but i pushed him away. "don't think this will get over so quickly, now go away!" 

mcgonagall led me and ginny to the head dorm because ginny was deputy head and i was head girl. we were going to stay here till a day after tomorrow because then the transformation would be done. she would announce head girl and boy tomorrow because then i would be transformed. ginny and i watched films for the rest of the night and then fell asleep on the couch.

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