-chapter 3-

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A/N: Hi and thanks for reading my story. If there are any grammar mistakes please comment so i can correct them. I'm Dutch so i'm not that good in English. my story is probably going to only be in hermione's pov, but if it is going to be different you will see. hermione/sophia's room is above.



hermione's P.o.v

the voices were getting closer and closer. I turned around to were the voices came from. And i saw two people coming this way. they looked a lot like Blaise. i assumed that they were his parents. They were busy talking about something when until they saw me. "is this?" Blaise hi- wait she is my mother as wel, our mother said. "Yes this is Hermione Granger." Blaise replied for me. "Did you tell her everything?" our father asked. "i just told her a very short version. you guys should tell her the rest because i don't know much." " well hermione if you could just sit down than we can tell you the rest" i sat down and they began telling the story.

they told me that voldemort wanted to have families with only one child. because we were twins the girl, me, had to be killed. they didn't want to lose me so they sent me to a muggle family. the muggle family knew about what would happen to me so they kept it a secret. they put a glamour charm on me so no one would recognise me. the charm will wear of on my eighteenth birthday. so when i am in school. Dumbledore also knew of the secret and he enchanted the sorting hat to put me in gryffindor. i would have to be resorted in my upcoming year. 

then i was pulled into a bone-breaking hug. "Blaise. said my mother as she finally let go of me. would you take Sophia to her room?" "wait Sophia?" "oh yes about that, you also have a different name, Sophia Eliana Ashley Brianna Hermione Zabini." "Okay that is a really long name." i screamed as i was pulled up. Blaise pulled me over hi shoulder and started running. "Blaise put me DOWN!" "nope" "BLAISE" i tried to wriggle out of his arms but because he had been playing quidditch almost all his life he was really strong. He finally put me down as we reached a room with a name plate on it with Sophia. "your room is across from mine, if you need anything you can just call, okay sis?"

i opened the door and saw a very big bedroom. it was a beautiful room. i had an own bathroom and walkincloset! i looked inside of the closet and saw a lot of clothes. dresses, shorts, tops, sweaters and a lot of heels. i walked downstairs as i just had spent time looking around in my room. "do you want to come live with us until the next school year starts?" my mother asked when i came down. "yes i would very much like it, but can i tell ginny and can she come over sometime? because if i just disappear they would be worried." "yes you can tell her and of course she can come over." my mother said shining of happiness. "okay i am just going to the burrow to get some stuff." i apparated to ginny's room.

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