-chapter 11-

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A/N: Hi and thanks for reading my story. If there are any grammar mistakes please comment so i can correct them. I'm Dutch so i'm not that good in English. my story is probably going to only be in hermione's pov, but if it is going to be different you will see. hermione's pov will be changed into sophia. sophia and blaise can talk trough their minds if they do it will be like this: {hey} 



Sophia's pov

i woke up with my head on someones shoulder. i looked up and saw.. Malfoy! i got up silently and looked around who was up. I saw Blaise smirking at me. {oh shut up, Blaise.} {no} {if you tell anyone i'll kill you, besides have you seen who is lying on your shoulders?} {i won't tell anyone, but i can't promise not to show anyone} {what do you mean?} {i took a photo} he said laughing. i took out my wand and took a photo of him and ginny. {hey!} he screamed. {if you show my photo i'll show yours.} i smirked. {but what if i show it and take away your wand?} {oh you won't} {watch me.} this was it. i tried to hit him. (A/N this is all just like siblings not real hard hitting) we started rolling around on the floor trying to kick, hit and tickle each other. by now everybody was up looking at us. "what happend" draco asked. "i dunno, i woke up and just saw them staring angry and then blaise started smirking, and then they attacked each other." pansy said. "it was kinda scary." draco started to pull away blaise and ginny dragged me away. "hey!" we both yelled. " what happend we saw you two staring at each other and then you just attacked." "he started." i yelled. "no i didn't, you started!" 

"but we didn't hear you talking how can anyone start." {should we tell them?} i asked blaise. {yes we are probably staring weirdly at each other again.} he laughed. "hey, now you are doing it again" pansy yelled. "yes about that, we can talk trough our minds and blaise was being a pig" "hey i was not you were." "o i were you took a photo!" "you did too" "after you said you would show it!" "okay, okay calm down." draco said. " you can talk trough your minds?" "yes " "thats brilliant for tests. i rolled my eyes.

 we got dressed and got ready to go to hogsmeade. (outfit above) .we went to the three broomsticks. i ordered a butter beer same as everyone else. the boys were talking about quidditch and me, ginny and pansy were talking what we were going to wear to the upcoming ball. "i don't know what i am going to wear, probably just a simple dress." "siriusly hermione a simple dress, you are going to be wearing a beautiful dress that me and pansy are going to pick." "just let me die already." "hey we are not that bad." we laughed. then two people walked in. the people we right now hated the most. harry and ron. they made their way over to us. "ginny why are you sitting with them?" ron asked with disgust in his voice. "because they are my friends."ginny snapped back. "you shouldn't be friends with the snakes ginny,  mum would disown you." "she wouldn't she would rather disown you." "oh you didn't you little bitc-" that's when everybody stood up and circled around them. "don't you dare finish that sentence, you weasel." he looked up at me and turned around with harry to leave.

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