-Chapter 14-

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A/N: Hi and thanks for reading my story. If there are any grammar mistakes please comment so i can correct them. I'm Dutch so i'm not that good in English. my story is probably going to only be in hermione's pov, but if it is going to be different you will see. hermione's pov will be changed into sophia. sophia and blaise can talk trough their minds if they do it will be like this: {hey}



sophia's pov

"why don't we chat at the astronomy tower?" harry asked. "sure." we arrived at the astronomy tower and sat down in the chairs that stood in the corner. "so what do you want to talk about?"  "are you really hermione.?" "yes.. why?" i say hesitantly. " we don't believe it." "who is we?" i started looking around the room to see if there was another person. "me and ron, we think that you killed hermione and pretended that she was adopted." "wh-what n-no i didn't." "yes you did and we think you need to be punished for that."  before i noticed what was going on harry muttered. "incarcerous." ropes got around my wrists and ankles. "ron you can come out!" i started crying. "what are you going to do." "we think that you deserve the same thing you did to hermione." ron said. "which is death." they lifted me up and started walking to the balcony. i quickly contacted blaise trough mind link but i knew that if he had to come here from the dungeons he would be to late.

blaise's pov

i was sleeping when i heard. {BLAISE} {yeeez, sis calm down.} {i can't calm down.} {why not?} {just remember that i love you blaise.} {wha-} {i love you and dad and mom and ginny} {i know th-} {promise me that you will remember it blaise!} {okay.} {Please promise me.} {okay okay i promise.} i heard in her voice that she was crying. {are you okay sis.} no answer. {sis?}

sophia's pov

i was crying even more now. "this is for killing hermione." "but i didn't!" but they didn't hear it because i was pushed of the edge. i closed my eyes and waited for the floor. 

A/N: sorry that this chapter is so short. i have school work. 

oh and btw sorry for the cliffhanger 😇😂

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