-chapter 13-

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A/N: Hi and thanks for reading my story. If there are any grammar mistakes please comment so i can correct them. I'm Dutch so i'm not that good in English. my story is probably going to only be in hermione's pov, but if it is going to be different you will see. hermione's pov will be changed into sophia. sophia and blaise can talk trough their minds if they do it will be like this: {hey}



sophia's pov

"may i have this dance, milady?" i looked up from were i was sitting and i saw a blushing draco looking at me.  "of course you can." i smiled and took his hand. we started dancing and he said." you know, this earned me another punch from blaise, but it was worth it." "blaise punched you again?" "yes." he laughed. {why?} {why what?} {why did you have to punch draco, AGAIN} {he asked me if he could dance with you and i said no.} {btw, were are you now?} i gulped. {nowhere} {you are with draco aren't you?} {yes, and you are NOT going to punch him again, or i'm going to hex you} no response. "hellooo" i snapped back to the ball. "sorry i was talking with blaise" he laughed "how did he take it?" "told him that if he punches you again, he will be hexed. i got no response." "so you do care about me" i blushed and looked down. "s... so doyouwanttogooutwithme?" "what" he took a deep breath. "do you want to go out with me?" he looked down at his shoes. "i get it if you don't want it, i have been horrible for you for years, but we had to otherwise voldemort would have known that our parents were spies. and if you say no that is-." "draco..." "it's doesn't matter if you say no." "DRACO." "what?" "i would love to go out with you." "you do?" "yes." he leaned down and i also leaned in. our lips touched. suddenly i heard an "AHEM." i turned around  to see blaise standing there. "what is it Blaise?" "hmm, i don't know, maybe THIS." he pointed to us. "didn't you like it?" i laughed. "you hurt her and that will be the last time you see the light. draco gulped. 

~time skip to the end of the ball~

i walked to the microphone and started. "so i am going to tell you all today who i was. i just wanted to tell you that i only knew who i was this summer. i had a glamour charm on me and i was in gryffindor. i was formerly known as.... hermione granger." the whole hall started yelling and sreaming. "you can't be hermione." i recognised the voice immediately it was ronald. "i am, i don't care if you believe it, you cheater!" 

me, blaise, theo, draco, pansy and ginny were walking back to the head dorm when i heard. "hermione please can we talk." "it is sophia now." i said back. "sophia please." harry asked again. "sure see you guys later." 

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