-chapter 4-

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A/N: Hi and thanks for reading my story. If there are any grammar mistakes please comment so i can correct them. I'm Dutch so i'm not that good in English. my story is probably going to only be in hermione's pov, but if it is going to be different you will see. hermione's pov will be changed into sophia. sophia and blaise can talk trough their minds if they do it will be like this: {hey}


------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------blaise's pov

i looked in sophia's room but she wasn't there. i walked downstairs and expected to see her there but she also wasn't downstairs. then mum walked into the room. "were is sophia? did she leave? why?, were is she? is she okay?" i asked mum concerned. "easy blaise, she just went to the burrow to get her stuff. i love how you already care about her so much." i looked down at my shoes. "can you call me down when she gets back?" "sure honey."

sophia's pov

i apparated back to ginny's room in the burrow.  i looked around and saw that ginny was not in her room. i tried to be as silent as possible but then i tripped and fell over. i heard someone running up the stairs. "shit." i looked around and saw ginny opening the door. "tel me. now." "Wel..." "who were you seeing? was it someone from Hogwarts?" "ginny please. if you would shut up i can tell you." i said laughing. "well you can't tell anyone, but i found out i was adopted. I have a glamour charm on me and dumbledore bewitched the sorting hat to put me in gryffindor." "so who's your family?" "promise you won't scream." "okay.." she said hesitantly. "I'm a Zabini, Blaise is my twin brother. my real name is sophia eliana ashley brianna hermione zabini." she gaped at me for a few minutes until i said."gin your mouth is open." "sorry i just.. wow....." "i have already met them and they are very kind. i asked if you could come round some time and if you want to you can. also my glamour charm will wear of on my birthday, so on hogwarts i would appreciate if you can stay with me then." "sure i would love to come to your new house, and of course any reason to ditch school i take. what are you going to do now?" "i'm going to get my stuff and live with them until hogwarts starts again, please don't tell the boys. i will tell them when we are at hogwarts just tell them i went to live with my aunt in the muggle world or something." maybe you can come to my house tommorow." "okay take care hermione see you tomorrow then." i grabbed my stuff and apparated back to my house.

"i'm home." i shouted because if i woud talk normal no one would hear me. i hear footsteps coming down the stairs.  {hey sis.} i hear but blaise his lips don't move. "what how did you-." {we can talk trough our minds, try it.} {wow, this is really weird.} {let's not tell anyone, so we can sometimes have a laugh about things others don't need to know.} "sure i said." talking normally again. i heard a tap at the window in the living room. i opened the window and saw a very pretty owl. "it's our hogwarts letter!" is said while giving one to blaise. i opened my letter and screamed. "sis are you okay?" blaise asked worriedly "i'm head girl!" "wow great job sis, we get to spend more time together now!" "why?" "i'm deputy head!" "yes!" "but during school we have to act as if were not friends only after the glamour charm is of we can be together." "i only told ginny that was okay wasn't it?" "y.. yeah sure, i didn't tell anyone i want them to be surprised." i laughed as he stuttered by the name of ginny. "do you like her?" "maybe." "so that's a yes." we laughed. "shall we go to diagon alley today for our school supplies?" blaise asked. "yeah sure but we have to be careful that no one sees us." "okay."                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            

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