-chapter 9-

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A/N: Hi and thanks for reading my story. If there are any grammar mistakes please comment so i can correct them. I'm Dutch so i'm not that good in English. my story is probably going to only be in hermione's pov, but if it is going to be different you will see. hermione's pov will be changed into sophia. sophia and blaise can talk trough their minds if they do it will be like this: {hey} sophia's outfit is above.



blaise's pov

i woke up early and decided that i would go down for breakfast. later draco joined me. we were talking about quidditch when i hear someone. {blaise i'm coming down, are there many people in the great hall?} {hurry up, i can't wait, and almost the whole school is here they are going to announce the heads. also weasley is almost next to me just wave at me but look slightly at him and then give him payback.} {sure blaise, if you just keep the boys away. i'm coming in with ginny now} i looked at the doors of the great hall and chocked on my drink. {wow, i know you said you were pretty but i didn't think this pretty} {blaise!} "what are you staring at" i heard draco talking but i did not reply. he followed my gaze and said "wow what i would do to date her." "you will have to come past me first!" i yelled maybe a little too loud. the whole school now looked at me. "why want to fight me about her?" "no she is my sister and you're staying away form her. anyone who wants to date her has to go past me first." "your sister i didn't know you had a sister." "well now you know i have a twin sister." i looked at sophia again. now everybody was looking at were i was looking. the whole school got silent. sophia waved and Weasel thought she waved to him so he started shouting. "she waved to me!, she waved to me!" 

sophia's pov

the whole hall got silent and a lot of boys whisteld. i waved to blaise but sort of looked at ron. then he started yelling. i walked over to him and said "you're ron right?" he nodded. "i thought you had a girlfriend, o no wait i mean two. can you stand up." he immediately got up. i kicked him in the balls and said "that's for cheating on hermione, she is my friend. o and i was waving at my brother, blaise." that's when i sat down next to blaise and pansy. all the boys were looking at me and blaise put an arm around me. "malfoy you are staring, stop it." i said. blaise looked at draco and shot him a glare. he turned to his food immediately.

then mcgonagall got the attention of everyone. "hello thank you for coming to the announcement of the heads. the head boy is draco malfoy." the slytherin table clapped. "deputy head boy is blaise zabini." another time only the slytherin table clapped. "deputy head girl is ginny weasley." now a lot of people started clapping, i looked at blaise and he was clapping very hard. "and now head girl is sophia zabini, can you come up here." at first no one clapped except for blaise, pansy and malfoy.but when they saw it was me a lot of people started clapping. i got up next to mcgonagall and told everyone. "hello my name is sophia zabini, i didn't know i was a zabini until this summer, i previously was someone else, i will tell you at the upcoming ball." then i walked down to sit next to Blaise again. 

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