-chapter 6-

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A/N: Hi and thanks for reading my story. If there are any grammar mistakes please comment so i can correct them. I'm Dutch so i'm not that good in English. my story is probably going to only be in hermione's pov, but if it is going to be different you will see. hermione's pov will be changed into sophia. sophia and blaise can talk trough their minds if they do it will be like this: {hey} sophia's necklace is above. just imagine the circles could get separated.



sophia's pov

i apparated back into my room. i got down with a soft thud. i heard voices coming up. "i'm sure it was nothing." that was blaise. "but i heard something." that was malfoy. shit {sophia run, hide go away.} blaise shouted in my head. i couldn't think of anything and i didn't want to leave again so i shrunk myself. i hid under the bed. i saw blaise coming in worried and malfoy with his wand drawn and his coat on. "see, it was nothing." blaise tried to get him out of the room. "if you are hiding a girlfriend or something just tell me." i laughed at his comment. when i heard the front door close, blaise got into the room again. "sophia were are you!" i enlarged my self but i forgot i was still under the bed. "auchh, i'm here." i was now kind of stuck under the bed. i crawled from under the bed. "i shrunk myself." "that was a close one." blaise said with his worried face now gone. "shall we go to diagon alley now." i asked. "yes let's go." we apparated to diagon alley.

we got everything we needed of our list and we still had a lot of time. "why don't we get some ice cream." i suggested. we were heading to florean fortescue when i heard some voices i regocnized. "shit" i muttered as i looked around. "what is it" blaise asked. "it's harry, ron and ginny. pretend we bumped into each other, now!" 

"watch were you're going granger." blaise said playing his role very good. "you bumped into me go away snake." i replied. i saw harry and ron coming closer. "hey what do you think you are doing zabini?" i heard ron yell. "well ask granger she bumped into me." "i need to go now, bye harry, ron." i said as i walked off to the nearest alleyway and apparated back to zabini manor. a little time later blaise got in. "you are a good actor." i said. he smiled. "you too. now turn around and close your eyes." "okay." i hesitantly turned around and closed my eyes. i could feel that he was putting a necklace on or something like that. "open your eyes." i looked down to see a beautiful necklace with his initials. "aww it's so cute." "i got one too with you initial." i looked and saw S.Z. "thank you blaise." i hugged him. "we should go packing our stuff because we are going to hogwarts tomorrow." he said while he broke from the hug. "we have to apparate individually because otherwise people will get suspicious." "okay" i said. our parents were out of town for the holidays so we could spend more time together. i started explaining the plan i had gotten. i thought that if i got called out of the compartment and mcgonagall said it was about my aunt and cousins that i could pretend hermione granger did not go back to school. then in the great hall i will be announced as a new student and your sister. and everybody will believe it i think. he thought it was a great plan so i wrote to mcgonagall.

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