-chapter 15-

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A/N: Hi and thanks for reading my story. If there are any grammar mistakes please comment so i can correct them. I'm Dutch so i'm not that good in English. my story is probably going to only be in hermione's pov, but if it is going to be different you will see. hermione's pov will be changed into sophia. sophia and blaise can talk trough their minds if they do it will be like this: {hey} sorry i haven't been updating i was sick and i had no ideas. photo of her wings are at the top.



sophia's pov

i waited for the floor to hit me. i waited and waited. until. 

i felt like i got lifted up. i looked up and saw...  

a pair of wings?? a pair of wings coming out of my back! i checked a couple of times. i even pinched myself. okay that hurt.. i tried to fly to our head dorm. i got there but i almost fell a couple of times. because having wings is not normal. at first i thought i had died but after i pinched myself i flew down and fell the last part. that also hurt so i have to be alive. i tried to open the window of the head dorm but it was locked. i was pulling it harder and harder until it just broke!

 i think blaise heard me because he came thundering down the stairs. i quickly got into the dorm and pretended that nothing was wrong. but he didn't fall for it. "i heard something are you alright?"  "yes everything is fine but i think we have to see mom and dad soon."  "why is that window broken?" "blaise is there a prophecy about our family?"  "yes dad talked about one, but what happend to the window?" i ignored his comment. " what does the prophecy say?" "it's a prophecy about a very powerful woman in the zabini family, she would get wings, very powerful magic and she would be a clairvoyant." "a clairvoyant?" "it's someone who can see people after they died. they can see them as ghosts and no-one else but a clairvoyant can see them." "i think that it is smart to go see mum and dad now." i said and tried to pull him with me. " but we can't apparate." "not on the school grounds, but we can if we are not on the school grounds." "and how do you think we are going to get off the school grounds, the school is like hundreds of kilometres." "we fly." he looked so confused but before he could talk i grabbed his shirt and flew out if the window.

"WOOOOOOOW SIS SLOW DOWN, WHAT HOW HOW!!" as i finally came to a place i could apparate we flew down to the ground and i grabbed his hand. we apparated to zabini manor. 

"mom, dad?" i yelled. i heard footsteps coming down the stairs and saw mom and dad turn around the corner. "why are you here shouldn't you be at school? and why do you still have your dress on?" i looked down and realised that i was still wearing my ball dress. "can i talk to you two alone?" "sure, blaise wait here." "but.. " "no buts, you are staying here." he looked at me angry, and i stuck my tongue out. we walked up the stairs  

"so what did you want to talk about?" "about that prophecy." "you mean the one about the zabini woman?" "yes... i think i am that person." "it would be logical, she is a twin and it said something about twins." my mom walked to a shelf. "here is a book about all of the things you can do." "you have wings don't you?" dad asked. i concentrated and my wings popped out again. "what does being a clairvoyant means? blaise explained it but i haven't seen anyone." "they will see that you are a clairvoyant, and if they want to they can visit you. but it will take a while until they will visit you."

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