-chapter 10-

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A/N: Hi and thanks for reading my story. If there are any grammar mistakes please comment so i can correct them. I'm Dutch so i'm not that good in English. my story is probably going to only be in hermione's pov, but if it is going to be different you will see. hermione's pov will be changed into sophia. sophia and blaise can talk trough their minds if they do it will be like this: {hey} sophia's outfit for the sleepover is above. sorry that i have not been updating, i just didn't know what to write.



sophia's pov

during breakfast i became really good friends with pansy, astoria, theo and a bit with draco. we all decided for a sleepover in our head-dorm. "i'll ask ginny but i think she will be okay with it." i said. "can't you give us a hint of who you are. we won't tell anyone." pansy asked for like the 600th time. "you know what, at the sleepover party you can ask questions. but i can only answer with yes or no. is that okay?" "yes sure!" pansy was very excited. 

the lessons were boring as usual. but now blaise sat next to me with every lesson, because all the boys were staring.

-time skip to the sleepover-

"ginny is it okay if we have a sleepover today?" "yes!  it has been so long since we had one, who is coming?" "pansy, astoria, theo, draco and blaise." she blushed when i said blaise. "ginny?" i asked very serious. "do you like my brother?" "maybe.. okay yes. a lot" "yes! i knew it. you guys would be so cute together!" "i don't think he likes me..." "gin, he is my brother i know such things. he like-" i got cut of by pansy running in and yelling. "who's ready for a sleepover!" 

when everyone had arrived. pansy immediately wanted to start with the questions. "it is okay if we start right now, but i want you all to promise me that we will be friends no matter who i was before." "okay.. sure we promise." "let's start then, only questions that i can awnser with yes or no."

"were you in hogwarts?" "yes"

"mmhm, were you in slytherin?' "no"

"in ravenclaw?" "no"

"in hufflepuff?" "no" 

"so you were in gryffindor?" "yes i was"

"were you friends with harry and ron?" theo asked. "who except slytherin wasn't?" i laughed "yes."

"Can you please give us a hint?" Pansy whined.

"sure, but i'm only going to tell one person." i told them.

"ooh pick me, pick me!" i heard coming from everyone.

"no i'm going to tell Malfoy." everybody looked surprised.

"third year, my fist your nose." he looked at my scared and scrambled backward.

"who is she, do you know it" He didn't reply, he just stared looking scared.

me and Blaise started laughing. now everybody got very impatient. "just tell us draco!" theo yelled in his ear. now it looked like he was back in this world. "but... how?" i ignored him and told the others  "He's so shocked because he can't call me a mud blood anymore." now everybody got the hint. "you.. you are Granger" "yes" blaise was still rolling over the ground laughing at everybody's shocked faces. "i'm so sorry." "i heard coming from everyone. even from Malfoy but very silent. We stayed up late playing games and everybody fell asleep on the couches.

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