-chapter 5-

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A/N: Hi and thanks for reading my story. If there are any grammar mistakes please comment so i can correct them. I'm Dutch so i'm not that good in English. my story is probably going to only be in hermione's pov, but if it is going to be different you will see. hermione's pov will be changed into sophia. sophia and blaise can talk trough their minds if they do it will be like this: {hey} sophia's clothes are above.



sophia's pov

today was the day blaise and i would go to diagon alley. i woke up and looked at my clock. "ugh." it was only 7:30 am. as i knew i couldn't sleep anymore i got up and went to take a shower. i realised how big my bathroom was. i had a big rain shower, a jacuzzi, a large bathtub and just too many cabinets. i changed into my clothes. and went to see if blaise was up yet. he wasn't up yet. i smirked at the plan i had to wake him up. i sneaked up to him and changed his hair with wandless magic into a bright red colour. i then muttered "aguamenti" a stream of water got into his face and he shot up. i fell to the ground laughing. "not funny" he growled. "the waking up is maybe less but your hair is beautiful." he ran to the mirror and when he saw his hair  he yelled. "why, why red why not blue, oh your going to pay for this." but before he could do anything the doorbell rang. he looked out of his window. "shit, you got to go to ginny or something come back later today." "why?" i didn't get why he wanted me out of the house so suddenly. "draco and pansy are here, and i didn't want to tell them till after you have transformed because i don't know how they will react. my eyes went wide. "if you come back during the middle of the day we could go the diagon alley." i nodded my head and grabbed my stuff. 

before i apparated away i heard blaise opening the door. "Uhm blaise why is your hair red, i know you like ginny but this is a bit extra." i heard pansy telling blaise.  "uhhh i wanted to try a new colour but i didn't like it." {ooo, blaisey has a little crush on ginny.}  {oh you just shut up, your lucky i didn't betray you. now go draco is going upstairs.} {sure sure little brother} {hey, i'm older!} {bye} i laughed and when i heard footsteps coming closer and closer i fastly apparated away.

i apparated into ginny's room. she probably heard me because i heard a lot of shouts and footsteps coming up the stairs. Harry, Ginny, Ron, fred and george got into the room. "finally your back i couldn't stand the boys any longer" ginny said. then a lot of questions came at me. "were were you?" "did you meet someone or something." "ginny wouldn't tell us anything." "easy" i said. "i went to a friend because she needed me." "why did you needed to go there." ron asked a bit angry. "Her boyfriend had just broken up with her. she needed someone."

the next hours at the burrow were okay. then i needed to go again. "well i am going my uncle has died a couple of days ago and my aunt and cousins are not doing wel." "are you going back to hogwarts?" "i think so if my aunt and cousins are doing better."i apparated back to the zabini manor.

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