{Fluff} [Klance] Hide Your Mind - 1

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[Warnings: None]

He was officially going to die.

Lance groaned as he lay on the couch, one leg hooked over the top and the other hanging off the couch itself. His arms lay around his head. His trusty signature jacket lay dumped beside him.

It had been months since they got sort of kidnapped by the Blue Lion, fought some aliens, formed Voltron, flew back into space and have now been drifting along.

What was the point in being some awesome hero if all you did was wait for trouble to come to you?

While Lance had been grateful for the break from the nonstop onslaught of Galra, what was the point if there was nothing to do?

They had reached an empty-ish part of space where they decided to begin any repairs and planning. Lance wasn't much help for either of those things.

With nothing to do except keep some sort of normal routine, Lance was bored out of his mind.

"Dude. Are you okay?" Asked Hunk walking into the sitting room.

"I'm going to die of boredom." Groaned Lance dramatically. "Ah. Should've guessed." Joked Hunk.

"Seriously. There's nothing to do." Huffed Lance.

"Didn't you want to check out the pool?" Asked Hunk. "Nope. Not after the elevator incident and almost getting killed several times." Said Lance. Hunk shook his head amused.

"Why don't you go to the training room?" Suggested Hunk. "No way. Training gets me all stiff and Keith is always there." Huffed Lance.

"Well I can't help you there! I'm going to head to the kitchen and see what new delight I can whip up." Said Hunk excitedly, clapping his hands. Lance chuckled and grinned.

"Have fun dude."

Hunk grinned back before leaving the room.

Lance huffed softly and stared back at the ceiling. He could hang out with Blue. Yeah that sounded good.

Lance rolled off the couch and snatched his jacket off it before heading down to see the Blue Lion.

He could feel the link between him and Blue as he walked over to the Lion.

"Hey Blue. Thought I'd come hang out with you. Don't want you getting lonely now." Said Lance.

He could feel the purr resonating through his mind. Lance smiled.

Soon settling down in the pilot chair, he relaxed. Lance always felt at home in Blue. Maybe it was the bond he had or even the familiar colours?

"It's not the interesting in the Castle as I thought it would be. Life just isn't that interesting when you're not an expert leader, planner, engineer or even remotely good at anything useful other than shooting and flying." Sighed Lance. He felt Blue purr reassuringly. It eased him but it never did take away his worry.

"Still, do you like the quietness? I mean you're a lion and lions are just bigger cats and on earth at least, cats like to sleep a lot." He asked.

The purr Blue gave was amused but nonetheless answered his question with a definite yes.

Lance chuckled. "Of course you like it. You're a lovely big cat, aren't you?"

Lance laughed as the next purr ran through his body.

"Hey I'm ticklish! Easy kitty!"

Lance laughed as Blue purred again.

Lance chuckled and both the Lion and him went quiet.

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