{Fluff} [Klance] Hide Your Mind - 5

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[Warnings: Flirtatious Language]

Lance ate breakfast and kept eyeing the door nervously. Hunk kept asking what was wrong but he shook him off. He would be fine.

Keith went to Shiro after he had collected Lance's things and put it in his own room for safe keeping.

"Shiro. Can I asked you something? This happened with Lance and I'm not sure what to do..."

Shiro chuckled after he heard the situation.

"Keith. He was flirting with you and then he got scared because you didn't respond. Talk to him. Flirt back. Don't leave the boy hanging." Said Shiro before winking.

Keith walked away and headed for breakfast. Flirting? Lance had flirted with him? But Lance couldn't of flirted with him unless...

Keith grinned.

He had a chance!

He walked into the dining room with a confident grin and sat down across from Lance. Hunk was focused on his food and Lance glanced up at Keith.

Keith smirked and winked.

Lance blushed and focused on his food.

Keith internally cheered himself on. He wasn't such a disaster gay as he had previously worried.

"Hey Lance. Thanks for sorting my back out. I feel much better after having your hands on me." Flirted Keith. Lance dropped his cutlery and Hunk immediately looked up.

"What?" Said Hunk confused. Keith grinned. "I had a knot in my shoulder and Lance helped me out. He sure knows how to use his hands." Chuckled Keith.

Lance gaped at Keith as Hunk chuckled clueless. "Yeah Lance is great at that."

Keith hummed and nodded. " Just wish I could have had gotten the chance to repay him the favour." Said Keith, smirking at Lance.

Lance cleared his throat. "Its alright.. I wanted to help.." Said Lance, giving Keith a flustered look. Keith grinned back at him.

Hunk smiled at Lance. "That was nice of you bro. Look at you two! Getting along! I'm gonna go and let you two talk because I'm happy you two are finally getting along!"

Hunk quickly left happily and Lance bit his lip.

"Are you really flirting with me?" He asked quietly. Keith chuckled and smiled awkwardly.

"Yeah. I guess I should follow Shiro's advice and tell you. I'm gay." Said Keith. Lance perked up.

"Really! I'm Bisexual!"

The two looked at each other surprised before laughing.

"Is this really what we've been hiding? Man." Chuckled Lance. Keith rubbed the back of his neck and nodded.

"Yeah. Um that and something else..."

Oh god. He really was being honest today.

Lance looked confused. "Huh? What?"

Keith swallowed hard and fidgeted with his gloves.

"I guess I should be honest and tell you that... well I have a crush on you. I think you're really cool and attractive and I love your freckles and I think you're really good at flying..." Admitted Keith, his heart hammering in his chest.

"You don't need to respond or anything but I just wanted you to know. I don't want us not being to form Voltron because I'm not honest." Explained Keith.

Lance smiled and got up, moving around the table to Keith calmly. He sat down beside him and shyly took Keith's hand into his.

"Keith. I uh... I also like you.. kinda have had a crush growing on you too for a while... I didn't realise until recently. I think you're really attractive too and despite what I've said, I do like your mullet and I think you've got pretty eyes. I'm really happy you told me..." Admitted Lance.

The two stared at each other in surprise and glee.

"Do you.. Do you maybe wanna go out with me?" Asked Keith quietly. Lance nodded and squeezed his hand. "I'd love too Samurai. Um... I kinda wanna ask since I wanted to do this after what happened the other day but um... Could I kiss you maybe?" Asked Lance.

Keith flushed and nodded, closing his eyes.

Lance's heart lurched in his chest as he leaned forward, his mind going wildly out of control. Oh god... what if he messed up? What if Keith hates it? What if-

His mind went black as his lips touched Keith's and he happily kissed him softly. Keith's pulse jolted and he leaned into the kiss.

"Oh my god finally!"

The two pulled away quickly, hands and all, in surprise to see Shiro standing there happily.

"Finally! I'm so happy!"

The two blushed bright red.


Shiro chuckled. "Sorry! I'll come back later! Bye and have fun!"

The two blushed as Shiro ran off. Keith turned to Lance.

"Um.. you left your stuff in the training room. I took it to my room so it was safe. Wanna come and get it? We could.. We could kiss some more in private? I liked it..." Said Keith nervously. Lance blushed and nodded.

"I liked it too... Let's go.." Lance offered his hand and Keith took it, the two walked back to his room to kiss some more...

It wasn't long after the rest of the team found out. Not after the fact they both figured out they really liked kissing...

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