{Fluff} [Shiro/Adam/Curtis] Triple My Love ~ 2

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[Warning: Mature Language sort of and Drunkenness]

Curtis was officially, royally, screwed.

He literally woke up the morning after the changing room incident and suddenly Shiro and Adam were flirting with him????

Not during work thank god he wouldn't of lived it down if so. But in the changing rooms, during lunch, training and every chance they got. It went on for days on end.

He didn't know how to feel. His heart was racing and it almost too much for him.

Everytime one of them flirted, he would run off and bump into the other. Thus becoming a cycle of never-ending flirting and embarrassment for him.

He walked down the corridor and he tripped, somebody grabbing him before he fell.

"Oh thank you-" Curtis cut himself off with a squeak as he looked to see Adam. Adam quirked a grin and winked as he spoke.

"No problem gorgeous. I'll catch you falling for me anyday."

Curtis squeaked and stumbled away, mumbling about a report he had to do before running off. Once far enough away to be sure Adam hadn't followed, he sighed and leaned against the wall. Taking a few breath, he straightened up and walked into the lunch hall and got food.

He sat down at a table with his lunch and began eating his sandwich. It was quiet so that was good. No Shiro or Adam yet. If Adam was in the corridor, then it was likely Shiro was who he would bump into next. It was often Shiro in the lunch hall anyway.

Hopefully he could eat in peace for once though.

It wasn't like he hated being flirted on. But he was just a communications and analysis officer. They were married. To each other!

He didn't know how to feel...

The whole situation confused him and played with his emotions. Giving him hope that they felt the same...

But that had to be impossible... They loved each other. They couldn't possibly like him like that...

He finished his sandwich and took a sip of water when he heard the sound of trays hitting the table. Looking up, it was Shiro- And Adam?!?!

This was new! They never approached him together before!

He sucked in a sharp breath and they gave him a smile.

A smile he had wanted for so long.

His heart lurched in his chest. Why were they giving him this smile? Suddenly... He felt the wave of pain he often got from things like this. The empty feeling of unrequited feelings...

"Hey Curtis. How's your day been?" Asked Shiro. How- how had his day been?! They knew exactly-

"What?" Squeaked Curtis, blushing. He couldn't help it. They were his crushes! He might be an adult but that didn't stop him having crushes!

"How was your day? You okay? You seem a bit flustered." Chuckled Adam winking flirtatiously.

He couldn't do this anymore. It hurt him too much and confused him too often. He couldn't do It.

He stood up fast and looked down, avoiding his eyes. His hands stayed by his side, shaking.

"Is this some game to you two! Is my feelings just some plaything! Who told you! Was it Griffin?! Or Kinkade?! Nadia?!" He yelled, gritting his teeth. Everything came flooding out.

Curtis was glad the hall was empty apart from them. Shiro's eyes widened and Adam gasped. "Oh god no Curtis what-"

He didn't care who had spoken.

"Because it hurts! It hurts because I know you two are happy. Happy together! This is torture! False hope! It confuses me too much! Why are you-"

He cut himself off as he covered his mouth, unexpected tears suddenly streaming down his face. He sobbed and he couldn't face them after saying that. He couldn't. Not after snapping at them so strongly. He didn't mean to snap but he couldn't help it.

He was meant to be the cheerful one on the Atlas. The one who lifted everyone's spirits. The one never got upset. Who never got mad. He was gentle and kind.

But this was something he couldn't deal with. He couldn't... He..

"How can you do this to me?"

He looked at them in the eyes and before they could speak, he ran off. He couldn't handle this.

He ran to his quarters and was glad his bunkmates were at the mini party in the Atlas lounge. He hid underneath the covers and cried into his pillow.

Curtis cried for a few minutes before sighing. No more tears left. Rolling onto his back, he sighed and clutched his hair.

"What am I going to do?" He whispered to himself. Rubbing his cheeks free from tears, he sat up and sighed.

... getting drunk didn't seem too bad right now...

Since the Atlas had recently stopped to fuel up, the crew had mostly been on leave. It wasn't Curtis' type of scene but he could enjoy a couple of drinks ever now and again... maybe tonight he could drink away his sorrows...

He got up and changed into his civilian clothes before leaving the room and joined the party.

Alcohol seemed like a good idea...

He didn't drink much at first. He had never been much of a drinker. Well that was until he saw Adam and Shiro join the party. Of course they would be here, idiot. He quickly ordered himself something strong and downed it, soon ordering some more again with a cheerful smile to hide his pain.

The night went by fast after that. He didn't have too much to drink but he didn't drink often so he got drunk much easier.

He could remember stumbling into strong arms, becoming blushy and giggly. He could remember being flirty and flustered. He could remember loosing his footing and someone catching him. Beautiful eyes gazing at him...

He remembered someone carrying him and giving him clothes to wear as pyjamas. He could remember getting upset and being held close and two voices whispering how much he mattered....

He could remember feeling... loved.

But by who?

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