{Fluff} [Klance] Hide Your Mind - 2

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[Warnings: Mature Language]

Why the fuck did he have to say that!?

Keith groaned as the warm water hit his tense shoulders. He leaned against the wall. If he had a diary the next entry would clearly be how he almost outed himself to Lance because of a fucking gay joke.

Hard enough being gay with barely anyone knowing it (Shiro was the only one who did) let alone having a massive crush on the one guy who he saw everyday and who was so obviously straight. 

"I mean come on brain? Couldn't you of just been normal and crushed on some hot never-gonna-happen celebrity?" Thought Keith frustrated.

Pfft. Nope!

It wasn't like he didn't want to tell the group. He wanted to! Especially after Lance's comment. But...

He didn't know what their views were? What if their bonds grew strained? They wouldn't be able to form Voltron and it would be his fault... Not his fault that he was gay but his fault that he told them...

Especially if Lance ever found out about his crush on him...

So it was better to stay in the closet than to risk the universe just cause he wanted to be free...

Ironic, huh?

Keith sighed and finished washing up.

It was time to face the universe again...

Time Skip
"Glad you found your phone buddy. You seem more relaxed now." Said Hunk. Lance grinned.

"Thanks man! I'm super glad I found those yoga videos. It's nice to be able to finally stretch properly." Chuckled Lance.

The two walked into the dinner hall and sat down at the table, continuing to chat. Pidge and Allura walked in next, chatting about some earth thing.

"And so the caterpillar cocoons itself and then becomes a butterfly! That sounds amazing!" Exclaimed Allura. Pidge laughed.

"It is. They're actually very pretty too. They fly around and once, one actually landed on my nose! It's one of the few good memories I have with nature! Haha!" Said Pidge happily. Allura chuckled and they sat down at the table.

Coran hummed an tune as he bounced into the room and to the table.

"Greetings everyone!" He cheered happily. "Greetings!" Called everyone.

Shiro walked in calmly and sat with Pidge and Allura, joining in the conversation that has progressed to strategy against the Galra.

"Great idea Pidge. I just want to add to that..."

Lance listened to Hunk and Coran amused as Keith walked in. Lance turned to see him walk and sit down.

"Somebody looks tense-"

Lance's words died in his throat as he noticed the damp fluffy hair belonging to the red paladin. Keith looked up to Lance.

"You say something?" Asked Keith.

Lance shook his head quickly before turning to focus back on Hunk's words.

Why was his heart pounding so fast? This... This was different than seeing a pretty girl...

Why did he compare Keith to a pretty girl?

"Lance, buddy. You okay?"

Lance gave Hunk a grin. "Yeah. Of course man. What was that about a new recipe?"

The team were eating... whatever that goo was... when Allura stood up.

"Paladins! It has come to my attention that we should be doing more with the time we have! Shiro and I have come to the agreement that you should all have regular training in strengthening your bond to your lions and each other!" Said Allura. "That sounds like a good idea. When should we begin?" Asked Pidge.

Allura grinned. "After dinner!"

Time Skip
"Now just focus on each other's energy and let your mind go free. Being paladins is being open and honest. We all have nothing to hide." Said Allura.

The team all sat in a circle, eyes closed just like the first time they tried to do this. This time is wasn't Pidge who flinched away.

"Nope! No way! Bad idea!" Exclaimed Lance and Keith in unison.

Everyone opened their eyes confused at the two.

"Lance? This isn't like you. What's up?" Asked Hunk. "Keith? You okay?" Asked Shiro knowingly.

Pidge looked confused. "Dude. What are you two hiding?"

"None of your business Pidge!" Exclaimed Keith, getting up. Lance look up confused.

"Keith man. Seriously. We all know you're part Galra. You've got literally nothing to hide." Said Lance confused.  Keith scoffed and crossed his arms. "Then what are you hiding then?" He retorted.

Lance flinched and got up. "That's my problem. You got a problem with me, Keith?"

"You wish..." Muttered Keith to himself. "What! Say it to my face!" Exclaimed Lance.

"I said you wish! All you want is some stupid rivalry!" Hissed Keith. "That was before we became a team! I just want to save the universe from Zarkon so we can go home!" Yelled Lance.

Keith stepped forward, eyes sharp and defensive. Lance followed suit, not willing to lose.

"What do you have against me! What is this all about! What are you hiding!" Yelled Keith. "What are you hiding! I've got nothing to hide!" Yelled Lance stepping to Keith, eyeing him down.

Keith grabbed his shirt and pulled him close menacingly.

"Oh yeah?! Why'd you flinch away?" Hissed Keith. Lance's face flushed and his heart pounded for a different reason before he pushed him away.

"Why'd you flinch away!" Yelled Lance. "None of your business!" Yelled Keith, tackling Lance.

The rest of the team shouted and backed away as the two paladins wrestled with each other, yelling.

"Both of you! Stop it! That's an order!" Yelled Shiro.

The two froze and panted, listening to Shiro before realising the position they were in.

Keith had Lance pinned down with his wrist, their faces almost touching. His legs on either side of the blue paladin's hips and his hair falling down his face. Lance's face flushed and Keith was so close he could count the freckles on his cheeks.

Lance internally panicked at how close Keith was, his heart pounding and his stomach twisting. He couldn't help admire how attractive Keith was.

Keith stared and blinked, staring at the cute freckles on his cheeks before slowly looking down at the parted lips so close to his.

Lance noticed this as Keith quickly stared up into his eyes.

Lance looked down at the other's lips and his heart jumped at how they looked. Soft...

Keith noticed also and his heart pounded at the attention focused on his lips until it was focused on his eyes.

His eyes...

Keith shoved himself off and ran off before Shiro could ask him what was wrong.

Lance stayed on the ground, heart pounding.

Why did he think Keith was attractive?

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