{Fluff} [Shiro/Adam/Curtis] Triple My Love ~ 1

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[Warnings: War, Sexual Themes and implied sex]

Takashi Shirogane.

That's his name. Don't wear it out folks.

His life had been a whirlwind of challenges, obstacles and an all out complication of many things.

First, he was diagnosed with his disease when he was young. It only got worse when he got older until he lost his arm.

Second, He liked someone. A boy. And his life almost crumbled when that boy found out and he was outed.

Third, Adam left him. He left him because he chose Kerberos. But he only did it so Adam didn't suffer.

Fourth, he got abducted by aliens. And lost him arm for some alien tech.

Fifth, he escaped, got back to earth, only to he sent back into space with Keith and three other teenagers.

Sixth, he know had an entire universes hope on his shoulders and has to lead a team that consisted of kids.

Seventh, the entire battle between him and Zarkon.

Eight, oh he died.

Nine, spending a very long time watching over the team and having to let his clone become the leader.

Ten, almost not coming back to life in  his clone's body.

Eleven, they almost don't make it back to earth.

Twelve, The Galra invading Earth and then the robeast situation.

Thirteen, oh their reality and every other almost being destroyed in the entirety.

Huh. Thirteen major events.

But now. Captain of the Atlas. In the most confusing situation ever.

Being in love with 2 men. One of then being his now husband. And the other, the kind officer who works beside him on the Atlas.

Adam and Curtis.

He's fucked.

Time Skip
Adam could tell there was something up with Shiro. He could see it in the stiffness in his shoulders before he showered. In the caution in his eyes when he dressed. In the way he became more professional during work, barely even loosening up to smile at him.

Adam could tell. But he tell Shiro was afraid. In those long kisses, the ones he gave when they were alone. Afraid to let him go.

If it had been happening earlier, he would have chalked it up to the fact Adam almost died when Shiro was gone. But it wasn't. This fear was different.

Almost as if he was scared to love.

He knew that fear. For it was his own fear he held as well.

How had the kind officer who worked with him in analysis made him like this again?

Time Skip
Curtis sighed, drying his hair in the communal changing rooms. It was tough working with two of his crushes...

Two men who were happy together. It made him happy. Seeing how they smiles at each other. The lingering brushes of their hands.

It hurt though. He wanted them to look at him like that too. Give him those smiles too. Those lingering touches...

If he told anyone, he'd get accused of being greedy or being a homewrecker or trying to use the higher ranking men for a promation. He didn't want that. He wasn't like that. He was happy being the rank he was too.

He just wanted them to be happy. He just wanted to be apart of that happiness...

He had pulled his loose sweatpants on when those very two men walk in from the showers, chuckling. He straightened his back and saluted in habit.

"Captain. Commander." He address politely, his face flushing at the sight of the two men in nothing but towels.

"Curtis! At ease. We aren't on duty." Chuckled Adam, taking his glasses from his locker and putting them on. Shiro nodded, smiling amused.

"S-sorry... it's a habit." Said Curtis flustered. Oh boy. His crushes were in front of him, dripping from the showers and only a towel around their waists.

"Its alright. We still have the same habit with Iverson." Chuckled Shiro. Curtis blushed and nodded, swallowing hard.

Adam chuckled. "Curtis? You okay? You're bright red."

Curtis squeaks and covers his mouth. "Sorry! I-its just- you're both practically naked right now. Usually I'm the only one who takes showers at this time..." He said shyly.

Adam and Shiro chuckled. "Yeah so? It's alright. We don't mind." Teased Adam. Shiro smirked and shrugged as he spoke. "Got nothing to hide."

They winked jokingly and Curtis wanted to faint. He pulled his shirt on quickly as he squeaked. "Uh bye!"

Curtis ran out and headed straight for his room.

Shiro and Adam chuckled and began drying themselves.

"Curtis is so shy. It's almost strange cause I see him talk to others calmly." Commented Shiro.

"I remember when you were like that. It was cute seeing how flustered you got." Said Adam winking at Shiro. Shiro blushed and laughed.

They calmly got dressed, of course playfully nudging each other while they talked. They walked back to their quarters, hand in hand with the corridors empty at the quiet hour. They got their room and it was peaceful.

Until Adam decided to ask Shiro the question when they were in bed.

"Takashi... Do you still love me?"

Shiro turned and pulled Adam close, confused and upset but nonetheless, Adam saw the love in his eyes.

"Of course Adam. I love you so much. I married you for a reason silly." Said Shiro, kissing his husband's forehead. "What brought that question on?"

Adam sighed. "You've been acting strange. You're tense even in the comfort of our room. Please tell me what's wrong."

Shiro sighed and pulled Adam closer, burrowing his face into his husband's neck. "Adam you know I love you right? You wouldn't leave me if... if somehow I had feelings for you and another man?" Said Shiro quietly. Adam went silent. "Takashi... of course not. Unless you cheated on me but I know you wouldn't. And it's rather hard to hide any sort of affair while we're in space." Chuckled Adam weakly. "I would be hypocritical too... because I have that fear as well..."

The two locked eyes and whispered the same question.


They blushed and laughed. "Takashi you go first. You had me worried for so long so you go first." Teased Adam. Shiro shoved lightly against him and chuckled. "Well... It's Curtis." He admitted. Adam sat up surprised. "Curtis! So we've both had feelings on the same guy!"

They stared and laughed. Shiro pulled Adam back down into his arms and they cuddled, blushing.

"We're idiots. Of course we both like the same guy." Sighed Shiro. Adam hummed and chuckled softly. "I'm guessing this being okay is mutual then too..." Hummed Adam. Shiro chuckled and nodded. "Of course. We can't help our feelings. I'm just glad together we can like the same guy..."

Adam smiled and looked up at him. "Y'know what we should do?" He said. Shiro looked at his husband curiously. "Hmm? What should we do?" He asked. Adam grinned.

"We should try and woo him together. Obviously he thinks we're attractive. That little situation in the changing rooms made it obvious." Adam winked. Shiro chuckled. "God I love you. You're so smart." Shiro kissed Adam softly.

"Lets do that. Let's see if we can make him ours..."

Adam smiled and kissed back. "Mhmm... I like the sound of that Takashi..."

The two chuckled, continuing to kiss as Shiro rolled over to be on top. The night quietly progressed into something more than just a loving kisses...

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