My Voltron Headcanons

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Hey there Readers!
This page is just for you all to know my Headcanons I'll often use within these Oneshots.

You can also request some personal Headcanons for any Oneshots!

I'll go by character before doing an overall.

- He is a Bisexual boy!
- Had suspicions of his sexuality when his sister Veronica came out when he was 15 which made him start to think.
- Didn't think much of it though and just thought it was normal to find guys attractive.
- It wasn't until he overheard Shiro and Keith talking about Shiro' fiancè Adam that he kinda started remembering that bring attracted to guys while being a guy wasn't such a normal straight thing.
- Shiro basically lived up to the role of Space Dad and ended up teaching Lance some LGBT stuff when Lance confided in him.
- He was very glad Shiro understood him.
- Came out to Shiro first.
- He's very flexible and does yoga/gymnastics
- Is great with kids. Loves babies.
- Surprisingly knowledgeable about babies and pregnancy and menstruations and basically things like that. What? His family is very big and he had several sisters and aunts.
- He can speak Spanish and English. Spanish is his first language.
- Surprisingly a morning person thanks to his skin care regime he's learned when to go to bed though not a morning person after a night filled with video games.
- Likes glitter and having his nails polished all sorts of colours. Found that out after letting his nieces have their fun.
- Knows how to style hair and do makeup really well thanks to his very girly Nieces.
- Can really dance when he sets his mind to it. If not, he's kinda cringy. He will dab from time to time.
- Loves all animals and loves to work on his family's farm every so often.
- Named chickens after each of the paladins (and Coran).
- The farm is his uncle's and he's grown up with knowing how to work around it.
- His singing is like the type you get in karaoke bars or when you're on a road trip with your friends. It's good but not the best.

- He is Pansexual!
- Knew that since he was very young.
- Not the type to "come out", He would just rather bring home whoever he's dating and it be just like that.
- Doesn't mean it stopped the nerves when he spoke about his crushes on people other than girls.
- Very strong. Pidge is like feather. Not quite as strong as Shiro though.
- Is also great with kids. Not so much with babies. Rather be supervised with a baby as he's scared he'll either crush them or drop them.
- Not a morning person surprisingly though give him some coffee and once he starts cooking, he's back to his cheery self.
- Fluent in Samoan, Spanish and English. Samoan is his first language. English is his second. He learnt Spanish when he met Lance and basically got adopted into a second family.
- Currently learning Japanese and Italian so he get closer with Shiro and Pidge respectively.
- Mixes Italian and Spanish up sometimes though.
- Is the best cook and can cook anything from everything. Obviously.
- Hums when he cooks but can't sing.
- Only the basics of dancing is what he can do.
- Loves dogs

- Nonbinary! They/Them pronouns please. [Assigned Female at Birth tho]. Unsure about their sexuality.
- After the whole "I can't man up. I'm a girl" speech. Pidge ended up blurting out they're Nonbinary however but didn't know how to explain it or come out properly.
- Almost cried from the support.
- Keith hugged them for a solid 3 minutes in private and they don't really understand why yet. But took it as support.
- Since they are canonically Italian, they know Italian. Also English. And you guessed it, Italian is their first language.
- Gotten to the point where they don't give much thought to people misgendering them and just correcting them casually.
- Science and Technology might be their world but boooy give this nerd a book of any kind and it's done long before the day is up.
- Secretly loves it when anyone close to them is affectionate with their significant other. Blame Mr & Mrs Holt.
- Actually hates their birthname (Katie) and Matt is the only one in the family to know. That's how the "nickname" Pidge came about. Matt is also the only one who when using their birthname doesn't give them any bad feelings (e.i dysphoria).
- The Voltron team don't know any of this.
- Luckily they haven't called them Katie yet. (That one time with Shiro luckily wasn't a bad day for Pidge. Also it was only used to show he knew their "real" identity)
- Pidge fears the day in secret.
- Loves all video games.
- yes that includes dating sims too. But just because of they get to make fun of it.
- Cannot dance at all.
- Can't technically count as either a morning person or not if they haven't slept at all. Technically.
- Hates wearing the colour pink or blue with a passion.
- Actually loves the colour green.
- Hacks into everyone's phones every so often and collects some blackmail for future use.
- The best at whistling.
- Doesn't Dance. Will tap to the beat at most. They can and will T-Pose. Fear them.
- Likes birds and reptiles.

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