{Fluff} [Klance] Leadership

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[Warning: Mature Language and Self Doubt]


Hunk laughed at Lance's cheering in the comms. Allura squealed happily and Pidge chuckled. Keith smiled amused.

"Great work Paladins! Now regroup and let's debrief in the Castle Control room in five!" Said Coran through the comms. "Will do Coran. Thank you." Chuckled Keith. The team unformed and flew into the Castle in their respective lions.

Keith walked out of the Black Lion and patted the Lion. "Thanks Black. You did great today." Said Keith fondly. He had been beginning to get used to piloting the Black Lion despite how much he missed Red and Shiro. Even despite how much leadership just didn't sit right with him. Just so much pressure and he was so impulsive. He felt Black purr comfortingly in the back of his head. A whistle rang through the hanger and he turned to see a tall armoured paladin leaning against the entrance and arms crossed with a smile. He felt himself smile as he saw the new Red Paladin who's helmet had been removed.

"Hey Team Leader! Nice work out there today. I know Coran already said it but I wanted to say it to you. We really handed them their asses today." Said Lance. Keith grinned and took his helmet off, shaking his hair into place. "Thanks Lance. I couldn't of done it without you." He said, meaning every word. Keith really liked how close Lance and him had gotten. Gone away with that fake rivalry and in came their strong friendship. Even if Keith secretly wanted to be more with Lance.

Lance chuckled, looking away as his cheeks flushed a little. "Yeah right. You're amazing in Black. I'd be jealous if we weren't friends. You'd do great without me." Said Lance, looking at anywhere but Keith. Lance didn't know how to handle the compliment. Keith rolled his eyes. He smiled softly as he walked over, helmet under one arm. Keith placed a hand on Lance's arm, the taller boy turning to finally look at him. "You kidding? I'd be lost without my right hand man." Said Keith softly, winking and squeezing his arm before leaving the hanger.

"Don't forget the debrief in five!" Called Keith as he walked away and headed to his room.

Lance stayed frozen in the hanger as he processed the words, his face flushing bright red. Red lowly purred amused in the back of his head while Blue purred fast excitedly and he squealed. "Red! Blue! Shut uuup!" He whined embarrassed.

Keith froze as he felt Red and Black amused in the back of his head, reminding him of what he said. He coughed and smiled flustered as he quickly stopped off at his room to take off his armour.

Time Skip
"So we just need restock? That seems easy enough. So we split up. Quickest way." Said Keith, resting a hand on his hip. Coran nodded.

"Yes. However I will have to stay here to be able to wormhole everyone. So we're splitting into three groups." Said
Allura. The team nodded.

"Pidge. You will be going to Olkarion. They have materials and plans for upgrades to the Castle that we requested for. Hunk and I will be going to the Balmera. The rebels are in need of a Balmera crystal for one of their ships. Keith and Lance will be going to the planet Terridium for a certain herb for the medical bay. I recently came across a shortage in it that I hadn't noticed before. After all of that, we will regroup in Four Vargas when Allura will open the wormholes again." Explained Coran, laying out the plan. Pidge grinned excitedly at the idea of going to Olkarion while Hunk did the same for the Balmera. Lance and Keith smiled between them and Pidge nudged Hunk to look at them. Hunk grinned with Pidge.

"I call dibs on flying. We're taking my lion. Black flies to smoothest." Said Keith. Lance rolled his eyes and dropped his right arm over Keith's shoulders. "Whatever you say Team Leader." Hummed Lance, tipping his left hand into a finger gun and winked. Keith puffed his cheeks, ignoring how he felt them grow warm. He waved him off casually. "Yeah yeah whatever Lance." He chuckled. Pidge giggled and Hunk snickered. Lance glared at them flustered though Keith didn't notice as he focused on the plan. Allura smiled amused, obvious to the growing chemistry between the two paladins.

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