{Fluff} [Klance] Hide Your Mind - 4

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[Warnings: Implied Sexual Themes and Mature Language]

A Few Days Later
Lance went to the training room to do his yoga after avoiding Keith for so long (he needed time to sort himself out. Its alot to realise such big things) and walked into Keith training.

Keith looked focused and spun to dodge the hit and slid to the ground, slicing the opponent. He flipped and sliced another opponent and grunted as he almost got hit again.

Lance's heart lurched in his chest as Keith smirked to himself before sliding the next opponent and slicing it in half as he got up.

Keith panted and brushed his hair back as he finished the simulation.

Lance stared before clearing his throat.

"Nice work Samurai." He stated as he walked in and went to his previous spot.

Keith coughed awkwardly. "Uh... Thanks..."

The two were silent as Lance sorted his stuff out.

"Hey Lance. About the other day.. Sorry for lashing out." Said Keith. Lance perked up surprised.

"Keith? Buddy I should be saying that to you. I'm sorry for riling you up. We both have a own secrets that we're just not ready for the others to know I guess." Said Lance. Keith quirked a smile.

"I guess so. So we're cool?" He asked.

Lance chuckled. "Yeah. Also I'm sorry for trying to push some stupid rivalry on you. I guess I just think you're really cool. Everyone at the Garrison were jealous of you. I mean I only got to be a fighter pilot cause you got kicked out." He shrugged.

Keith raised an eyebrow as his face flushed lightly.

"Dude. It's alright and anyway, you're really cool too. I think if Iverson actually saw your potential, you wouldn't of needed me to get kicked out. You fly real good." Admitted Keith.

The two blushed as Lance smiled, looking down.

"Thanks man. It means a lot coming from you." Said Lance.

Keith flushed bright red and coughed.

Lance cleared his throat. "I should get to stretching.."

"Yeah! I uh I should get to training again..."

The two turned away and did their own thing.

Lance focused on the yoga video as he followed the instructions while Keith tried to focus on beating the simulator.

Key word was tried.

Keith couldn't keep his eyes off the Cuban boy. The smooth soft skin... The long legs... The lean body...

Keith gasped and ducked a blow before slicing the opponent before hissing as his muscles tightened and he gripped his shoulder. Damn it. This is why he should have stretched before hand.

"Keith?! End simulator!"

Lance ran over and Keith somehow couldn't be mad at himself. More attention from the sharpshooter.

"You okay man? Do you need to go into one of the healing pods?" Asked Lance worried. Keith sighed and shook his head.

"Nah. It's just my muscles. It just suddenly went tense. My own fault for never stretching." He said. Lance stared at him angrily. "You don't stretch!? What the- alright. Get on the mat now. I'm sorting out that problem now. I know exactly what's wrong." Demanded Lance.

Keith looked surprised at him before following the demands. Hey, inadvertently he was fixing a problem he didn't know he sorta caused so Keith wasn't having any problems against that.

"Alright. So what is it?" Asked Keith, sitting. Lance huffed and rolled his eyes. "Your muscles are knotted. I'm going to give you a massage. You're lucky. I'm probably the only one who knows how to do it properly."


Keith blushed. A massage? That meant Lance's hands would be all over him. Not that he didn't like that idea just...

"Is that to forward? I'm sorry. I don't have to if you don't want to. I get if the idea makes you uncomfortable..." Said Lance worried.

Keith shook his head. "No it's okay. And I trust you. So. How do you want me?"

The both of them blushed at the words.

"Just on your stomach? Take your shirt off too... um it will help me get the knot out..." Said Lance. Keith nodded and pulled his shirt off before lying down on his stomach, using his shirt as a pillow.

Lance moved close before hesitating.

"Is if alright if I uh.." Keith turned and raised an eyebrow. "Hmm?"

Lance looked away and cleared his throat. "Is it alright if I sorta sit on your legs or like just- I don't wanna push your boundaries dude and all-"

"Lance. It's fine. Whatever you're alright with, I'm cool with too."

Lance relaxed at those words and moved to straddle his hips, not sitting on him just in case.

Leaning forward, Lance put his hands over the sore shoulder and carefully felt it up.

"Yep. A knot. A bad one too. Your muscles are all very tense. Time to fix that. And just relax man. Don't wanna make it worse."

Keith took the advice and stayed as relaxed as possible.

Until Lance started putting pressure on his muscles.

Keith closed his eyes and let out a sigh as he relaxed at the loosening in his muscles. Lance's hands worked magic on his shoulder and he didn't want him to ever stop.

"Don't stop..." Muttered Keith into his shirt unknowingly. Lance tensed up.

Lance didn't know how to react and Keith clearly hadn't realised what he said unless he would have shoved Lance off.

... maybe Lance could benefit from it too?

Lance slowly relaxed himself and moved away from his shoulder to the middle of Keith's back.

Keith groaned softly and Lance willed himself to stay calm. Slowly he also sat down between Keith's legs since his knees were tired. Keith didn't seem to mind the closeness.

His hands moved up his entire back before sliding back down to his hips.

Keith moved his face into his shirt and let out a quiet noise that, if it wasn't muffled by his shirt, would have sounded like a moan.

Lance blushed. He didn't know what to think. By this point he had massaged all the tension from Keith's back and it was clear Keith hadn't said anything because he didn't want him to stop.

Lance didn't want to stop. He liked to see Keith so open. He kinda wished he had some proper oils though...

"God Lance your hands are like magic." Chuckled Keith. Lance grinned. "Of course they are. I'm amazing at massaging." Said Lance as his slid down his side's and back to his lower back. Keith shuddered and Lance blushed profusely.

That move was purely done for pleasure.

Lance bit his lip and did it again. Keith moved his face into his shirt and this time Lance knew that was moan.

"Feel better samurai?" Hummed Lance, keeping his cool. Keith hummed. "Much. I don't really want to move or for you to stop." Chuckled Keith. The two blushed.

Lance sucked up his courage and leaned down to his ear.

"Maybe I don't want to stop either." He whispered.

Keith's eyes opened wide and he flushed bright red. He didn't move in shock. Lance panicked at the silent paladin and quickly got up.

"Sorry! I- I- I went too far! I should leave. Breakfast will be ready now so I should- Sorry!"

Lance ran out quickly, forgetting his stuff. Keith took a moment before sitting up.

"... Lance? What the hell does that mean?" Whispered Keith to himself.

He looked over at the stuff Lance left and bit his lip.

Well he couldn't leave it here...

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