{Fluff} [Klance] Keith's Help ~ 2

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[Warning: Mature Language]

A few weeks went by after the first conversation between Keith and Lance. Their heart to heart's didn't stop there and neither did the playful flirting.

Even Hunk was starting to question what the hell was going on.

"You're all Bark and no Bite Kogane." Teased Lance after Keith playfully threatened to challenge him. Keith smirked. "I'll show you bite McClain." Flirted Keith, winking as he left the kitchen leaving only Hunk and Lance. Lance laughed and covered his face with his hand to hide his blushing. Hunk cleared his throat as he stirred whatever concoction he was trying to make.

"Lance. Okay what the hell is going on with you and Keith? Why are you two flirting?" Asked Hunk, getting straight to the point. Lance rolled his eyes, dropping his hand and leaning on the counter. "We're just friends Hunk. I mean I flirt with you!" Defended Lance. "You've always done that because you're straight even if I'm not and you do so in a joking manner. Dude Keith is gay and you two have been flirting intensely for these past few weeks." Said Hunk rolling his eyes. Lance's jaw dropped and he slammed his hands down. "Dude you're not straight?! Are you for real? I mean I support you- why didn't you tell me!" Exclaimed Lance surprised. Hunk put down the bowl and spoon onto the counter and laughed.

"Lance. I'm pansexual. I just never really needed to come out. Didn't you know?" Laughed Hunk. Lance shook his head. "I thought you were straight. Wow. My life these few weeks could've been so much more different..." Said Lance, Hunk looked at him confused. "Buddy?" Asked Hunk a little worried. Lance gave him a smile and waved him off before leaving.

Lance walked down the hall, deep in thought. He was pretty sure he wasn't straight but he still felt doubtful. Wouldn't he of known he wasn't straight sooner? He used to know the hottest of guys before Voltron so how come he was only realising it now?

"Lance?" Lance looked to see Pidge eyeing him confused and he realised he had walked into the lions' hanger. "Hey Pidge. Sorry I was just thinking just now." He said, sitting down. Pidge nodded and fiddled with some technology.

It was silent and Pidge soon brought it up. "Okay what's on your mind dude? You're quiet and it's bothering me." Said Pidge. Lance shrugged. "I dunno. Just a lot of things.... Do you ever question who you are?" Asked Lance. Pidge rolled their eyes.

"All the quiznaking time. I mean, yeah I know I'm not a guy or a girl but I still don't know who I'm into. Matt used to tell me everyone figures it out at different stages and ages." Admitted Pidge. Lance looked surprised at them. "Really? But you seem to have it all together. And your brother seems really smart." Said Lance. Pidge chuckled, pushing up their glasses. "Yeah dude. If anything it's a good thing y'know? Constantly learning about myself and all. And yeah Matt is smart. He helped me a lot. He told me that he didn't start figuring himself out until his last year in the Garrison." Said Pidge. Lance nodded and thought for a second, a smile growing on his face. "Woah I... Honestly that helps. Thanks Pidge." Said Lance getting up. Pidge looked at him confused but amused. "No problem I guess?" Chuckled Pidge before Lance left.

Lance smiled, feeling reassured but still a little in doubt. He found himself knocking on Keith's door like he had done several times the past few weeks. "Come in!"

Lance walked in, Keith sitting on his bed and sharpening his blade. Lance walked over and flopped on to the bed. "What's up?" Hummed Keith. "If I'm not straight, what am I? I still like girls, I'm pretty sure I like guys too and I'm not closing off the possibility of other people who are in between and all. Cause gender is messy too." Huffed Lance. "That's true. And you could be Bisexual or Pansexual or something else." Said Keith casually. Lance sat up, eyes wide. "I forgot about Bisexuality! Oh my god Keith you genius!" Exclaimed Lance, face like someone had just told him the answer to life itself. Keith smiled amused, putting away his knife safely. "How do you forget a whole sexuality?" Chuckled Keith.

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