{Fluff} [Klance] Keith's Help ~ 3

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[Warning: Mature Language]

Life since the full realization of his Bisexuality had been... interesting to Lance.

He didn't really tell anyone after Keith. Didn't know how. But he didn't really think about it. After all, the others didn't really come out.

Lance hummed and smiled a little while he helped clean the kitchen after one of Hunk's food experiments exploded. 

Not that he minded about not saying, of course. Keith was still flirting with him and it was fun. Seeing how the others reacted was fun to say the least. 

But Lance was starting to realize, their relationship was probably more than best friends who kissed a few times in private and openly flirt and privately find each other attractive- oh.

Lance froze and blushed. Maybe they weren't just friends... 

Maybe he wanted to be more than best friends…

He shook his head and continued bending over a little as he scrubbed the counter. Focus. He needed to focus. 

"Jeez what were you trying to make Hunk?" Joked Lance, scrubbing harder. Hunk chuckled.

"I guess bread? I was trying to make dough so I could eventually make all sorts. Like garlic knots..." Said Hunk nonchalantly though grinning. Lance gasped. 

"You were trying to make garlic knots! Hunk you're the best!" Exclaimed Lance. Hunk chuckled.

"I try." Said Hunk winking. Lance smiled. 

"Thanks Hunk. You're a great friend." Said Lance. "You too Lance." Said Hunk kindly with a smile.

"What happened in here?" Asked Keith. Hunk chuckled sheepishly.

"I tried to make dough. It exploded." Explained Hunk. Lance snickered. "It went everywhere. Coran freaked." Said Lance. Keith snickered. 

"That must've been quite the mess. Need some help? I was going to train but my time could be spent better by helping you two." Said Keith casually. Hunk sighed in relief.

"Would you? Lance and I have been making good progress but another hand would be very appreciated." Said Hunk. 

"Oh my god Keith you're an angel! Thank you!" Exclaimed Lance. Keith chuckled. 

"It's no problem." He said.

Lance continued to scrub the counter as he watched Keith take off his gloves so they wouldn't get dirty. He held his breath as Keith bit into the leather and pulled it off with his teeth. 

Holy shit. That was hot. 

Lance stared and felt the blood rush to his cheeks as Keith did it again with the other glove. Keith turned, glove still in his mouth and raised an eyebrow and mouth curling into a smirk. Lance raised his eyebrow back in retaliation and winked. Keith chuckled and put both his gloves in his pockets.

"Take a picture. It'll last longer." Flirted Keith, smirking. Lance chuckled and leaned on the counter. 

"Why would I do that when I have the perfect view right in front of me? Pictures can never do a beautiful sight justice." Flirted Lance. Keith blushed and chuckled. 

"Talking from experience Lance? You must hate that cameras can't catch your beauty." Flirted Keith, winking before beginning to scrub off some dough. Lance choked out a gasp and stared at the counter, flushing bright red. Keith chuckled. 

Hunk was silent.

"So. How long have you two been together?" Asked Hunk. Keith froze and Lance squealed. 

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