{Fluff} [Klance] Hide Your Mind - 3

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[Warnings: Mature Language]

Keith screamed into the pillow as he clutched it close, sitting on his bed.

Why the fuck did this happen?!

Keith pulled back and clutched his hair. First Lance stares at him at dinner, then he's hiding something, and then he fucking stares at his lips?!

God all he wanted to do was the kiss him silly and shut the damn boy up for good! He wanted to ram down that closet door!

Knock knock.

The door opened from his bedroom for Shiro to appear.


Keith sighed and straightened up. Shiro walked in, door closing, and sat down beside him.

"What happened back there?" Asked Shiro comfortingly. Keith sighed.

"I don't know Shiro! Just... I can't let any of them know. Especially Lance... and then I tackled him! And he- he- he stared at me weirdly! I couldn't help how I looked at him and I wanted to kiss him and it's fucking annoying having a crush on him! I don't want feelings anymore!" Rambled Keith, pulling the pillow up and screaming into it again.

"Keith... first off I can't help you with the Lance situation but I can offer you advice on the closet one. You can't hide it forever. The team would accept you. I'll come out with you even if I'm not really hiding it. You're not in this alone Keith." Reassured Shiro.

Keith sighed and fell back on the bed.

"I don't know..."

Time Skip
Lance sighed as he lay on his bed, revaluting his life.

This wasn't the first time he had questioned his sexuality. Except this time he didn't think a guy could be pretty.

He was aware of a lot of this. Hell he was probably one of the most open people ever! We'll that's what he told himself.

His sister Veronica was gay and when she came out, it cause him to ask himself similar questions.

Did he think Girls were hot? Hell yeah.

Did he like any boys? Not that he knew of.

And so he thought he was straight. Until now.

He couldn't be gay... He liked girls... But...

"Fuck... I like Keith..." He whispered out loud.

He tensed up at how open that was and looked around. Still alone.

He slowly relaxed and stared at the ceiling. He smiled amused.

That felt good to say.

His smile slowly turned into a frown. Keith wouldn't like him back... What would the team think...

Lance closed his eyes and sighed.

Great. Now he knew how his sister felt except he wasn't gay but he liked a boy...

He missed home even more now. If he had Veronica with him, life would be much easier. He could have asked her what this all meant..

He sighed and got up.

He had to get his mind off it all.

Knock knock.

"Lance? Shiro called us all to a meeting in the lounge room." Called Hunk. "I'll be right there buddy. Thanks." Said Lance.

He heard Hunk walk away and pulled himself together. Wonder what this was about..

Time Skip
The team gathered in the lounge room confused. Even Keith looked a little confused.

"Hello everyone. You're probably all wondering why I called you here." Said Shiro. They all nodded.

Shiro grinned. "Well I realised after the mishap that happened today that we need to just be honest and open in every way. It came to my attention that none of you knew something about me that means a lot to me." He said.

"Shiro what are you talking about?" Questioned Hunk. Shiro chuckled.

"I haven't come out to you all."

Lance perked up as did Keith. Come out?

"Haha I'm gay. I just thought you all should know. I've already told Allura and Coran since they would have been confused but they're okay with it."

Lance's head went wild. Shiro was gay?! This was amazing! He wasn't alone!

"That's great man! I'm super proud of you! My sister is gay too so I know that was probably really scary!" Exclaimed Lance excitedly.

Keith looked surprised and almost confused. Shiro laughed. "Thank you Lance. I just realised how important it could be if anyone here was also in the closet. I just want you guys to be safe and able to speak your minds. At least to me."

Lance tensed up and strained a wide smile. "That's awesome man."

Keith eyed Lance confused.

"That's great Shiro. We're all super happy you told us. That takes a lot." Said Hunk grinning. Pidge smiled wildly and nodded.

Shiro smiled and laughed.

"Thanks. Anyway that's all I had to say. Sorry if I took any of you from important things just for this." Said Shiro.

"Dude. I would always leave my cooking if this is was you were gonna say. It means alot. But on that note I should check it isn't burning! Bye!" Said Hunk before he ran off. Pidge laughed.

"Hunk is right. I should also check on my upgrades though. See you later!" Said Pidge before she ran off.

Lance shifted awkwardly. "Keith you haven't said anything." He said.

Keith tensed up and shrugged. "I already knew. Actually I'm gonna go though. Gonna train before I go to bed." Said Keith quickly before he walked off.

Lance fidgeted while Shiro chuckled.

"Yeah Keith knew before all this... Lance are you okay?"

"I think I like Keith and I'm really confused!" Blurted Lance.

The room went silent.

Shiro smiled comfortingly. "Wanna talk about it?"

Lance nodded and they sat down. Lance fidgeted nervously. He didn't like feeling vulnerable like this. It was unfamiliar.

"I.. I keep noticing stuff about Keith like how fluffy his hair is and how pretty his eyes are. And I'm scared. I've never felt this for any boy on Earth. I mean I would know when a guy looked attractive. Everyone does! But I never had feelings for them. And I always thought I was straight but I still like girls and I still think Allura is pretty so I can't be gay. I don't know what I am." Explained Lance, letting out air as he relaxed.

... it felt good to tell someone...

Shiro smiled and put his hand on Lance's shoulder.

"That's perfectly okay Lance. It sounds like you're Bisexual. That you like guys and girls." Said Shiro.

"Bisexual... That sounds..  That does sound like me!" Exclaimed Lance. Shiro chuckled.

"Yeah. And it's really normal. I'm really happy you told me. Like you said, it would have taken a lot." Said Shiro winking. Lance smiled happily.

"Thank you Shiro. Do you think I should tell the others?"

"Up to you. Only when you feel ready."

Lance grinned. "I wanna! I want to be open with every one. I guess I'm nervous about Keith. I like him..."

Lance looked down and bit his lip.

"It feels more that I have felt before. I mean I know Keith has went through a lot and I dunno why I wanted a stupid rivalry with him. But I wanna tell him the truth now. Now that I know it."

Shiro smiled. "Tell him then. Only when you're ready."

Lance smiled and nodded.

If felt good to tell Shiro this...

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