{Fluff} [Shiro/Adam/Curtis] Triple My Love ~ 3

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[Warning: Important Talks and a little bit of Sexual Themes hinted]

Curtis groaned, the smell of food hitting him as he woke up. He shifted to his side and immediately noticed a difference. The was a couch. Not his bed.

He wasn't in his bunk.

Clearly this room had to belong to a high ranking officer. But who?

He looked over himself confused and rubbed his eyes, wincing at the brightness of the room. Was he in pyjamas? Clearly someone who was a little shorter than him but much more broader than he was as the clothes he wore were baggy on him but didn't go all the down. The shirt had ridden up at his side and the sweatpants didn't go past his ankles.

In his hungover state, he could tell whoever's clothes he was wearing had only changed his clothes. No obvious aches or pains to suggest he had been taken advantage of. If the fact he had been given a blanket too didn't suggest whoever helped him had cared somewhat about his wellbeing.

But who???

He tried to look around and find something he could recognise.

He sat up and groaned, his head beginning to pound in his skull. Ah. This was why he didn't drink.

He looked and found painkillers on the coffee table with a glass of water.

He heard humming and shuffling where the smell of food was coming room.

Wait. The only ones on the Atlas who had an actual kitchen with their own room was...

Adam walked in, glasses on, and carrying a plate of food and he smiled softly at him.

"Morning Curtis. I hope you slept well. Here I made you some breakfast..." Said Adam, putting the plate down in front of him. "What- why- I-" Curtis stuttered confused beginning to panic.

"Hey hey hey... Don't panic... Look umm.. I need to get Shiro up. He had a couple last night too but not as many as you... Once he's up too... We'll talk okay? Clearly... Clearly there's been a few misunderstandings..." Said Adam, giving him a kind smile.

Curtis nodded nervously and Adam relaxed a little. "I'll go wake up the Captain then." Said Adam, giving a playful wink. He... He was just being playful. Not flirty. Curtis cracked a smile and Adam smiled warmly back, turning toward what he guess was the bedroom.

Curtis slowly sat on the couch in the middle, hesitantly beginning to slowly eat the food he had been given. He took the painkillers and- holy shit this was the best meal he had in months! Even with his hangover, he could tell this was beautifully cooked.

He drank some water and sighed in relief as his headache had began to ease up and he ate some more.

He perked up at hearing a squeal and soft chuckling and his heart panged painfully in his chest as he sighed, pausing from eating.

So much for drinking away his sorrows...

He ran a hand through his hair and winced. He probably looked like shit right now.

Nervously, he fiddled with the edge of the blanket.

It wasn't long before he heard the sound of feet and he saw Shiro and Adam stumble out into the bedroom. Shiro's eyes fell on him and Curtis looked down quickly, heart pounding.

"Why don't you sit down Takashi... I'll bring you through some food.. we can eat and talk..." Said Adam softly. Shiro nodded knowingly, kissing Adam's cheek softly before sitting down.

Curtis felt relieved he hadn't seen but he heard the soft contact, swallowing hard.

"Adam's a good cook. Much better than those MRE meals." Chuckled Shiro nervously. Wait- why was he nervous? Curtis looked up shyly and nodded. "Yeah..." He said softly.

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