[Please Read] Request Page

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Hello there Readers!
Welcome to my Voltron Oneshots book!

Currently Requests Are: [Open]

Warning: There is likely spoilers for all the Seasons here (As I have seen all 8 seasons of VLD) so if you haven't finished watching Voltron, read with caution or don't read at all.

Side note: I refer to Pidge with They/Them Pronouns as it's a personal preference but also to avoid discourse of using she or he.

Please read this fully before requesting.

I have spoken about certain limits I have. I would not like to repeat myself if anyone requests something I'm not comfortable with.

Some Requirements to Requesting:

1. Character/s? Ships? X Reader perhaps?
Please tell me which character you would like and if you want more than one. My only objection to several characters is romance. I cannot do Love triangles very well so I will most likely do a Friendship one. If you wish for a love triangle then please say and I will try for you.

Please forgive me if I come back saying I cannot do a certain character because I do not know that character well. I only wish to be able to write a well written character.

- For Voltron specifically, please do not request romantic Sheith or romantic Shidge (or really don't ask for ships regarding Pidge for romance, I'm okay with a x reader if the reader is similar ages with Pidge). Reasons for this is Sheith is (sorta?) incest and Pidge is legit a minor.

Now please don't suddenly say "Shiro and Keith aren't actually blood related!" I know. However- (minor? spoiler warning!)

Keith has said the line "You're my brother. I love you" to Shiro. This is Canon! So don't tell me they aren't brothers in some shape or form. So no. I understand they aren't blood related but their relationship is brotherly in canon. And personally I'm not very comfortable shipping Shiro romantically with any of the other paladins.

- Also another note: Since Shiro has been confirmed gay, I'll only accept romance requests if it's a guy. (Example: Adam? Curtis? Or a male reader)

2. Any Au's?
If you have any Au (E.g Omegaverse, High School etc), you would like me to write, feel free to tell me.

I may ask for more info depending on the Au. Depending on certain Au's, I may not be able to do it. I will tell you if I'm unable to do this Au and ask you if you wish to have a different one or wish for me to do it in with No Au. Please Respect this. I have my own limits to what I can and cannot write.

3. Song or Not?
If you wish for a Songfic, just tell me what song and I will gladly say yes and I'll try my best. (Hey that rhymes!)

4. What type of Setting would you like?
Angst, Romance, Adventure or Friendship? You do not have to include this in requesting however. But if you want a specific type of setting, don't be afraid to ask! I'll try my best!

5. Rating of the Oneshot?
Do you want Smut? Do you want Fluff? Do you want Lime? Any specific type of smut? Please tell me if you want Smut/Lime, or I'll just write fluff. If you want Implied Smut then just say so! Also please note, Some NSFW works will not have detailed smut.

- Please do not request anything NSFW relating to Pidge.
Personally, I am not comfortable writing nsfw stuff for Pidge as they are a minor (at least till Season 8 I suppose but still- a minor) as they are 15 when the show starts. In Scotland where I live, the legal age of consent is 16 so the other paladins I'm okay with as they are above the age of consent but not Pidge. Please respect this.

And If you've requested an "X Reader" oneshot:

6. What type of personality do you want?
This is a complicated one. You can ask for a Shy!Reader or Rebel!Reader etc. However I will not do OC's(Own Character). I have many reasons that I will not say but I will say this:
The only person who can write your OC best is you. You have a vision for your OC. You know how they react to certain things. I don't. I don't want to mess up and make you upset or angry. Please respect this.

7. Pronouns? Gender?

If you have a pronoun or a gender or sex you wish for the reader, just say! Don't worry, LGBTQA+ is accepted here. I'm also LGBTQA+.

Also please know that I usually write them using female pronouns. It's much more simpler for me since that's the pronoun that I'm most used too when writing. Though if you wish, please tell me what Pronouns you want. Male, Female, Gender Neutral etc. If you wish for me to use the pronoun that you use, I will gladly use it. Even if it's apart from They/Them! Like the ones that start with Z. I'm not exactly sure of all the pronouns. I may ask for more information but don't be discouraged! I love to learn about new stuff like pronouns!

And Finally:

9. Anything else?
If you have certain specific things you wish for me to add in the Oneshot then feel free to tell me. Please know that I may not be able to do all or some of them.

[All of these requirements are Optional! If you do not care for specifics then just tell me what character to do.]

And... Done!

I only have two rules here however which is:

1. Respect my abilities to write these Oneshots. If I cannot do a specific thing, please don't rage at me. I am a human being just like you and I too have my limits. If I take a while, please have patience. I have a life beyond Wattpad.

2. Respect others too in the comments. If someone asks for a character, don't give them hate like "Why do you want -Insert character-? They're rubbish! I can't believe you like them! Hahaha!". Everyone has their own right to like and request anyone they like.

[For those who shall request "X Reader" onshots:

Inserts Key:
(Y/n) = Your Name
(N/n) = Nickname
(H/c) = Hair Colour
(E/c) = Eye Colour
(F/c) = Favourite Colour

I try not to use the inserts key a lot because it's really tedious. If there are any I haven't said in this, They'll be at the start with the warnings and notes.]

And that's all!

Don't be afraid to request a Oneshot!

~ SharpshooterShannon

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