Abandoned equals Free Time, Baby

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● Basically an Abandoned!Tsuna but he decided to point out his middle finger to fate and tried to pursue the perfect life as 'average citizen of Namimori'. Key word: tried.


● Tsuna is forgotten by his family. Nana, bless her unnatural air-headness, kind of sometimes ignored his existences. Only remembered him when she was reminded by others. It concerned everyone.

● Iemitsu is an estranged father because, well, his work. Too focused spoiling and grooming his other sons to be the next head of Vongola and CEDEF, he almost never spending time with Tsuna.

● With more than enough reasons, Tsuna loathed Iemitsu. He is the top on his Shit List.

● Tsuna has two brothers: Sawada Ieyasu and Sawada "Giotto" Ieyobu. Ieyasu and Giotto has blonde hair while Tsuna has brunette hair. Unlike Tsuna who looked full-blood Japanese, Ieyasu looked like a perfect mix-breed of Japanese-Italian while Giotto looked like a full-blood Italian.

● Sawada Ieyasu is a happy-go-lucky dense boy. Has four brain cells and all of them are on vacation. Athletic. Energetic. Handsome. Everyone-is-my-friends man. Too easy to be deceived. Sometimes Tsuna really wonders why Ieyasu is being praised as if he was a God while he know many people can relate to him-or even better than him. Ieyasu is still a human, goddammit.

Sawada "Giotto" Ieyobu is a textbook gentleman. Smart. Charismatic. That kind of person who can control the entire world with his puppy eyes-god bless he didn't realize it. Handsome. A closet brocon pervert. Blinded with paperwork and responsibility to lead Vongola and coddling Ieyasu, he didn't notice the "charm" of Tsuna-even though he is a totally brother complex. Tsuna saw this as a blessing in disguise: he didn't want to have a stalker in form of his brother, thank you very much.

● Surprisingly didn't resent his big brothers for abandoning him. Tsuna begrudgingly thinks it isn't their fault. Both Ieyasu and Giotto need to shoulder heavy responsibilities even if they're still relatively young. If anything, Tsuna felt pity to them.

● He prayed to anyone above for their health; not because of brotherly love, but because they are his meatwall for those 'responsibilities'.

● Yes, Tsuna didn't feel any family attachments to Sawada family. It's only because he is still a minor, they're not outright abusing him, and he is still too young to get a job that he chose to stay at Sawada manor.

● Tsuna also suspicious with their so-called 'responsibilities'. He concluded it is involving the reason why Iemitsu rarely came home and why there's a professional assassin in the form of adorable midget in his house, posing as Ieyatsu's tutor.

● Yet, Tsuna once again chose not to dwell with it. He is afraid if he dig too deeper, he need to say goodbye to his beloved normal life. Nope, thank you.

● As the Canon plot goes on with those two brothers as the center, Tsuna, as an unimportant background character, lives his life as a 'The Plain and Average Sawada'. Not being ridiculed, courtesy his flame was not being locked so he didn't suffer the aftereffects, but he is branded a loner. Has people he can call as best friends, even if he can count them with one hand. It's more than enough.

● At some points, at the Alternate Future Timeline, slowly but sure they noticed their wrongdoings. Saying they're brokenhearted is understatement. They're devastated.

They met Alter!TYL!Tsuna, another Tsuna version that choose to keep the love for his family even though he knew his love won't be returned. Both Ieyatsu and Giotto was touched by his sincernity.

● Things went downhill when Alter!TYL!Tsuna sacrificed himself in order for their survival. This moment triggered the endless regret on everyone's heart.

● The one who regretted it the most is, suprisingly, Ieyasu. He is, afterall, only a year older and should've been there whenever Tsuna is in need. The fact that Tsuna, his cute selfless admirable brave precious precious precious precious little brother-has sacrificed his life for him, the most foolish and uselessuselessuseless u s e l e s s older brother in history, has shattered his life.

● Giotto almost fell into madness. He loves his brothers so much, and to think he had abandoned him because of his works, and now he was forced to watch his lovely, selfless, beautiful, precious Tsunayoshi died died died dieddieddieddieddieddieddiED D I E D. If it wasn't his elements reminded him their mission and its outcome, he would've gone beserk.

● And thus, when they came back to their original timeline, the first time they saw Tsuna, who just came home from his trip, they pounced him. Together with ugly cries and snots.

● ((Giotto and Ieyasu misunderstood Alter!TYL!Tsuna as their future Tsuna. They thought his blatant denial as a bitterness for being neglected for god-knows-long.))

● Tsuna didn't even know what just happened. He just left his home for a week to visit his friends' hometown. When he back, rather than usual silence or unexpected loud noises, he was greeted by two sobbing blonde man throwing themselves into a hug. He was Confused.

● Also Tsuna, utterly done with Giotto and Ieyasu stalked him and basically became a creep (in his opinion), and even into went into pathetic state just to ask for his forgiveness, forced to 'forgive' them and 'accept' his 'well-deserving love'.

● They're not stupid. Convincing Tsuna to accept them is like trying to drain the sea. It's painstakingly slow, it's full of trial and mistrustful, but at least, there is a result. Slowly, but sure, Tsuna started to warm up to them. To their fagmilia.

● Even if he denied it, they know. And by the Gods, they wouldn't spoil it. Let's not tease the Murphy's Law, shall we?

● One day, for sure, they will tell Tsuna about Vongola. And of course, they will protect him, too. That's what big brother should do, right?



"...Well, this isn't bad too... As long as you two don't rope me into their circle."

"Hm? What are you saying, Tsu-chan?"

"N-nothing. Also, stop calling me with '-chan' suffix. I'm already 16 years old."

"Awwww~ my usual kuudere Tsu-chan goes tsun-tsun~! I love this side of yours too, Tsu-chan~"

"Please, shut up and keep driving, Onii-sama. Please don't look away from the road when you're driving."

"You hear that, Gio-nii? Tsu is asking you to shut up. If Tsu gets hurt because of you, I swear to God I'll tell Reborn all of your embarassing past."

"My, you're just jealous that Tsu-chan is focused on me more than you, right Yasu-kun?"

"I-I don't!"

"...Nii-san, you too, please shut up and keep your eyes on the map."

"H-Hmph, it can't be helped, since it's you who ask."

"...honestly, you don't even need to act tough..."

"You saying, Tsu?"


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