(Xover) Vigilant Spider? More Like Guardian Angel (Part 7)

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AN: To understand the second half, please reread the chapter 4 of this series at the first meeting between Peter and Dr. Strange. I've added crucial things that will help you understand.

● Tony thought Peter was an enigma; a weirdo but in interesting way. It's a big deal if he was the one who thought it. Also, apparently Peter had a weird effect on people. Tony dubbed it as 'Peter Effect'. Or: The recap of this story from Tony POV. Part 2.

As they continued their conversation, Tony had noticed the oddities of one individual called Peter Parker.

He couldn't even dub him as 'kid' anymore. Not when he acted like an old man in child's body. God, he even worse than Cap.

That's the first oddness. No kid shouldn't be that wise, no matter what environment they lived or how bitter their life was. To had such wisdom that made every old man Tony had met sounded like gibberish compared to his wits it's not natural.

Second was his demeanor. As a sole heir of conglomerate family, Tony had been groomed to be fit in their uptight society. One of them was manner.

What, you think his charismatic flaunt was a natural quirk? As much as he hoped it was, truthfully it wasn't. It's just something that he had to learn when he was a kid but later become one with his flirty nature.

Strangely enough, he could sense the same schooled manner on Peter--a kid who came from civilian lineage. It looked so damn natural that Tony would haven't noticed it if he hadn't the same manner lesson to sense the similarities.

This made him wondered. Wisdom that surpassed even monks and saints, schooled manner that would make his late father proud, and speech skill that could give him a run of money.

That's something Tony would expect from an heir of influential conglomerates, like the future King in line or the President's son. Not from a civilian kid with an average background.

Tony had thought maybe Peter actually was a lost son from some kind of rich family, but Friday cut his own theory by informed him that he was 100% came from civilian family.

It didn't fit in his logic. Tony couldn't understand why and how questions.

He later decided to not dwell on it any longer. Maybe it's his natural quirkiness, as weird as it sounded. Well, at least wouldn't have to suffer from hours of boring lesson just to learn how to sit and eat his damn soup. Fuck table manner.

Third is his... oddly comforting charisma.

There's some kind of weird energy that made Peter really enjoyable to have a conversation with. Something that Tony couldn't describe, but it made him couldn't help but listen.

Here was the thing: Tony never listen to anybody.

Not even to Pepper, not even to Steve, and sometimes not even to his own damn mind. He was a rebel on heart, and no one could rule over him.

Not until Peter stared straight at his eyes, and started to speak.

Tony couldn't turn his head. Every inch of his body urged him to listen carefully with every word Peter had spoken, to think carefully when Peter asked him to, to believe that Peter only spoke for the truth only.

It baffled him. He, the Tony Stark, believed with some inspirational bullshit a little kid had spouted? Are you sure you are not under some bibbity bobbity, me?

Well, but if they're truly a bunch of crap... Tony admitted at least it made him think.

It's not a secret that Tony often made a bad decision or too fast to come into a conclusion, which ended with a lot of misunderstanding. He might be a genius, but he sucked at controlling his emotion.

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