(Xover) Vigilant Spider? More Like Guardian Angel (Part 13)

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• Thor spilled the tea. No one is happy about it, included Tony. Plus a short reflection of Peter's unending denial with his own title.

Against all the odds, Tony was an understanding man.


Or at least to his fellow area 51 creature friend, a.k.a. Thor Odinson. As an alien, and a God for boot, it's understandable if he couldn't understand the common sense of the Earth and so was Tony and others to Asgardian's culture and their hippity-dippity things.

It's not rare for Thor spouting confusing things and linked it to the current situation. Like, "oh this remind me with yaddayadda" or, "in Asgard we call this as blablabla". Something like that.

By far Tony was already get used to Thor's nonsense. He also never asked Thor to elaborate it, as things related to supernatural tended to defy the law of physics. Tony didn't want it to mess up his brain.

But this... took the whole cake. Too dangerous to not be taken seriously, as absurd as it sounded.

"Stop, stop, stop," Tony held out his hand, an universal sign to stop the whole conversation. "Wait a goddamn minute."

He sighed, and messaged his temple. God, he didn't even know where to start. There's so many questions left unanswered.

"Is there something wrong with my question, friend Tony?" Thor frowned as his conversation just got interrupted. "Or maybe do you want to ask some questions?"

Jesus--, of course there is!

Tony held back the insult and nodded instead. "Yes, and yes," Tony pointed at Thor. "You. Point Break. Explain in great detail what in actual hell is 'Truth Seeker' was and the 'not having guardian' fiasco," he said with a glare before darted his eyes to the hologram figure. Peter flinched in surprise.

Tony moved his pointed finger to the teen and jabbed the air in front of his chest. "And you, Peter, have so many things to explain after this whole bullshit is done." A pause. "Wait, scratch that. Explain it. Now."

The older man grumbled in dissatisfaction. Tony loathed to be the clueless one, especially with things that sounded very serious.

If even the rumoured Heimdall, the watcher of both Asgard and Earth, praised his surrogate son almost in devoted way, it meant there's something more about Peter.

Something mythical and strong. Powerful enough to defy the impossible in literal meaning.

And power, always came with complex problem.

Which could be meant,

this whole tragedy was nothing but an appetizer.

For the God's sake, Peter. My hair will be all gray before I hit fifty.


S...Scary...! The younger man put his hand on chest and held himself to not whimper. Peter controlled his breath and sigh.

He hated those rare moment where his juvenile side overtaken his coolheaded-ness. It felt like he was teen Sawada Tsunayoshi again, the always in denial future mafia boss under the Greatest Hitman tutelage.

Well, he should've expected this. As ancient as Peter was mentally, his body was still on the peak of hormones.

Calm down, calm down, he told to himself. You have a problem in front of you. Getting upset won't change anything.

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