Grace for the Win!

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● Imagine Tsuna actually has natural grace, but since Ninth locked his flames he became very awkward and clumsy.


● After he had entered the Dying Will state, Tsuna felt like a heavy weight had been lifted from his shoulder. As if something that once his, that had been unfairly taken from him, returned back. He felt like want to dance and jump. Literally.

● Tsuna surprised everyone with his sudden agility and quick-learner in fighting. It's crystal clear that he wasn't a heavy hitter.

● Reborn didn't expect to find his student as natural-born martial artist. And so he asked Fon to teach him.

● The Storm midget had a field day teaching that fluffy haired boy. He learned Martial Arts like duck with water.

● At some points, all of them realized that the previous unnatural clumsiness which Tsuna had was the aftereffects from Ninth sealing off his flames. Courtesy, your truly Sawada Iemitsu.

Of course it's because of him, Tsuna rubbed his nose suddenly feeling so, so tired. What are the odds?

● Enraged when finding it out, Reborn shaved off clean Iemitsu's hair and almost burned down Ninth's beard.

● Like little shit Tsuna was, he truly made use of his talent in art of seduction of all things. He thought it's funny seeing all men and women fallen into his traps, as he danced and moved as if he was the epitome of eros itself.

● Later, he thought it's not so funny anymore when Civil Battle Royale happened. Just because he need to bring someone as his fake partner.

● It seemed now he couldn't ignore those people who had been pursued him. Ugh.


Bonus (R15):

● Years later after he met Reborn, just a little while before he is officially the Vongola Decimo, it seemed he had gained a new unofficial title. A title that had born from urban legend, and then became a story that passed mouth to mouth.

● It's a popular gossip between maid. Tsuna couldn't help but asking one of them to indulge it to him. They were of course more than eager to tell him.

● There's a rumor, sometimes at any lonely, dime-in-dozen bar without no to little customer, an angel would come and heal those little lost lambs.

At first, he looked too stand out yet not striking. Clad in such casual clothes, he would wander with his big, doe eyes. Not unlike a child lost in sea of people.

Then, he would ask the bartender if he could borrow the stage. He didn't care if it's too plain, too fragile, or even if they don't have it. If it's the latter, he would make a makeshift one with one-two tables pulled into one.

And thus, when all preparation complete, the magic would be actived when he started to sway.

He simply danced. His body, his such lithe body would move together with the shitty song and those sinful lips would sang.

They were fallen into angel's trap. Even if he didn't stare at them as if they were a piece of grade-A meat, even if he didn't once make a sensual movement, but his stares. His grace.

With one meeting eyes, and body moved as if he was a swan, one might wonder if they just got pregnant.

It's enhancing. It's addicting. It's such so sweet and dangerous but--those lost lamb just couldn't.

They had fallen into angel's trap.

However, though, all good things always end up too quick. like a shooting star, he would disappear as if he's never there. As if no one had bored his eyes into their skulls and pulled them down into an endless madness.

Fallen Angel. That's what they called him. A man with such petite figure, boyish angel-like voice, yet eyes and movement as if he was the epitome of eros itself.

Fallen Angel. An Angel that had become a mortal, that only kept his gracefulness in exchange his wings. Such a dangerous one, indeed.

● Tsuna tried his best to not met Reborn's knowing stare. Well, in his defense, he needed to polish his skill. What's better places than empty bar to practice it? His mansion?

Thank you very much, but he didn't want his beloved home covered in blood from top to bottom again. Thank you very much.

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