(Xover) How to be a Hero but Not as Hero (Part 1)

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● Crossover with One Punch Man. In which Tsuna died, and reincarnated as Saitama. Because--why not?


● Saitama, or Tama since he rather not remembering his real name, thought Fate loathed him. Maybe because in previous life he was a villain, or maybe he had defied nature's law.

● Because, if Fate didn't hate him, then he shouldn't have been this unfortunate. Witnessed his mother's death at tender age, living together with abusive father until he was arrested then died in prison, and the heavy peer pressure. It didn't help that the fact his status as an orphan made his life harder. He might won't get any job in the future. Being orphan sucks.

● The only thing prevented him from killing himself because some odd memories that kept haunting him. Memories about him living in another in another city, in another peers in another body and identity.

● One thing he knew; he was loved. He loved and was loved by people around him, and he would keep living for them--people he couldn't remember yet he cherished upon.

● Also, he had a strong sense of helping and protecting people. But in the same time, he couldn't see himself as a hero--he didn't know why. It just... didn't fit. As if he didn't deserve that title.

● As he hit the age of 20, Saitama started to remember some bits of those memories. Names, faces, and so on. He didn't fully remembered it, but Saitama got the rough picture. Living as a civilian, a--baby? midget?--crashed into his life, new responsibility, friends and allies, foe and battles, sins and retributions, underworld, mafia, vigilante, guardian, decimo. Tenth. Clam. Vongola.

● He later realized that he, in previous life, was a boss of the strongest and most feared mafia--no, not mafia anymore, it sounded so wrong, it's something but not that--group called something, which it names mean 'clam'. He was not innocent anymore. He was not hero.

((Yet, he knew he lived by protecting people in needs. Why? How? Saitama was truly, truly confused))

● Yet it didn't stop him from helping people in need. Whether it's saving a schoolmate from bullies, giving advices to a distraught idol, or pointing out some flaws from some kid's way of thinking. He even defeated a creepy crabman who tried to kill an uncute double-chin kid. Really, Saitama didn't understand how genetics work. His chin looked like ass for God's sake!

● It's odd. Saitama could feel that his 'previous self' accepted what he had done, even though he was in mafia.

--no, he finally realized. It's not mafia anymore. His 'old self' had discarded the old believes, had vowed to burn all of them if he dared to repeat the previous heads' mistakes.

It's not mafia--it's a vigilante group. He could feel his mouth widened, and laugh echoed thorough room. It's Vongola. Italian for clam. It's a vigilante--no more mafia, no more sins!--group, a fagmilia--a family--that vowsvowsvows to protect people from the darkness of underworld.

It was his home.



● For the first time in 21 years, Saitama felt he was finally whole. He had found the missing piece of his entire life. His lifeless dark orbs now had filled with life and hope.


● Saitama started using mask to conceal his identity whenever he fought in public places. He didn't want to be blamed for causing damage or roped into complicated situation. Being vigilant truly a hassle if he didn't play his own card right.

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