(Xover) How to be a Hero but Not as Hero (part 4)

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Warning: May contain spoiler(s). Read with caution.

● Saitama got class B. Because 1) not having 'striking' power, 2) he didn't want to show his face to anyone and 3) deliberately answered some questions without coherent meaning because he was annoyed with them; it's about handling popularity for God's sake! Like hell he cared for things like that!

● And for mask. Okay, maybe he was being petty, but he had his reason. He was traumatized being bullied because of he got eternal baby face, like his 'old self'. And since now he was officially a professional hero, he wanted to make a wall between his [Hero] persona and [Civilian] persona. So in case he was at his lowest reputation or something else, he could still went public without any worry.

Well, not that he cared much. His ranking was not too high but not too lower either; it's comfortably ranking 10. He didn't need to fulfill the quota like heroes class C, but he also not became the center of attention like heroes class A and S. Wasn't that nice?

● Genos didn't think same.

● In fact, he was pretty pissed off.

● Scratch that, he was more than ready to wreck this place.

"Sensei, you're not angry!?"

"E-eeeeeh?" Saitama sweatdropped watching Genos threw a fit. "W-Why should I? I mean, at least it is not C class where I need to fullfill some weekly quota. And isn't Amai-san said that they place me not too high because HA want to see my progress?"

Genos still couldn't accept that. "But Saitama-sensei--"

"Please, Genos. It's not--it is not a big matter, okay?" He raised a hand to cease the pointless argument. "I'm understand your point, and I am touched that you're angry for me. But it won't change the fact I am sorted as B class hero while you are in S class."

"..." Genos slowly lowered his hands, finally calmed down from his earlier burst. Yet his face still had some disagreement. "Still, Saitama-sensei, I just can't..."

"Just let it go, Genos. Throwing a tantrum won't change a thing."

● Fortunately, or unfortunately in Genos' case, Zombieman were in the same page with Saitama. Suddenly sorted in S-class while not having major 'quirk' was suspicious enough, especially with how high Amai Mask standard was.

And to be honest, B class was already high enough. Usually new heroes would be recorded as C class, with B class and A class exceptionally for those with remarkable talent. Saitama might not invite media's attention for now, but he might be roped by some scandal or false rumors made by other jealous heroes.

Saitama genuinely thought that it's so ridiculous and digusting in the same time. Even people with questionable morales his 'old self' knew still had some sense of honor.

● Child Emperor, or Jun, was in dilemma. In one side he could understand the logic behind Saitama's hero class sorting, but in another side--his childish side--couldn't accept that his hero, his idol was placed in the same class with unremarkable heroes.

It's like having Genos as his 'Child Within Me' and Heli as his 'Voice of Reason', his intuition commented as he watched Jun struggled with his own thoughts.


"Saitama-sensei, if I may ask, why are you wearing a one piece suit?"

Saitama looked down at his attire. Like Genos said, currently he was wearing a one-piece: black custom pants, white dress shirt, black blazer, black gloves, and custom made 'leather' shoes. If one didn't know any better, they must've thought he was going to a formal party.

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