(Xover) Vigilant Spider? More Like Guardian Angel (Part 4)

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● The Avengers started to know better about the alter-ego of Spider-man, a.k.a. Peter Parker. They didn't know peace ever since.

Steve had to admit, after he had the existential-crisis episode, he started to reflect on his life.

He realized he had been too absorbed into his Captain America persona, while he knew the world no longer needed him. They already had better heroes like Iron Man and Spider-Man.

Then, using his connection with Tony, he searched more about things that he enjoyed back in his era. Sketching, painting, dancing, taking pictures...

Steve really needed to catch a break from being a hero. There were so many things he wanted to try, pick, and learn.

What's free-styled painting?

What's poloroid?

Breakdancing? That's sounded interesting!

He wanted to know more. More and more and more. He wanted to do this, to learn that, to know more about this and that, and so on.

HYDRA and crime-fighting no longer his only meaningful activity.

He was no longer just 'Captain America'.

Steve felt like the burden on his shoulders had been lifted. His eyes had been opened, and now he was free as bird.

Life no longer felt dull.

Having fun no longer a distraction. He started to smile when he wanted to smile, jokes around when he could, and painting things when he got an idea.

God, how he missed swearing like sailor. Back before he was a soldier, Steve was famous for his potty mouth. Bucky and he laughed for hours when he let out one of his famous long-ass swore in front of his teammates.

"Say that again in front of him and I'll wash your mouth with detergent," said horrified Tony as his hands clasped on Spider-man's ears. That ridiculous scenery brought warmth inside Steve.

"The Golden Boy of America just swearing worse than sailor," muttered Clint in awe. "The God is real."

Bucky gave them incredulous eyes. "Really? This punk is a 'golden boy'?" He snorted. "You guys really have to meet pre-frozen him. This man couldn't speak without any swearing in one sentence. Even our general gave up correcting him--his dictionary of swear words are far thicker than normal human. If I didn't know any better, I would've thought he only knew swear words and nothing else."

Steve threw him a fake horrified look. "Bucky! How dare you expose me like this, you shithead."

"Language, Capt!"

"I curse whenever I fucking want, twat. We live in a goddamn society."

Tony's aghast expression was really worth it. Steve made a mental note to ask FRIDAY, who always 24/7 activated, to print it out for him.

Sam gave him thunderous applause and obnoxious cheer. Steve couldn't help but feel smug at that time.

He was no longer lost.

Steve made another mental note to thank the Spider kid. He could get past the cycle of hell because of that kid's article. At very least he should give him thanks.


"By the way, when will you introduced Spider-Man to us, Tony?"

"Oh! I almost forgot," Tony pushed gently Peter to step ahead. Pride surely latched on his tone, much to everyone's amusement. "This is Spider-Man, or also known as Peter Parker or Underoos. Pick your favorite! Do you want me to do all the dirty work or have you decided to be a big boy, Pete?"

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