(Xover) Vigilant Spider? More Like Guardian Angel (Part 14)

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• Farewell, he said.

Tony sighed tiredly as Steve finished reciting the current situation. He knew it would be that bad, but it still surprising to hear it.

Meanwhile, Peter only hummed softly. "That bad, huh," he murmured. "But still similar... Hm, maybe..."

"Do you have something to say, Peter?" said Bruce. His eyes narrowed while pointing at the giant loop across the table. "Something related to... this, perhaps?"

Peter laughed nervously. "Yeah, um," he scratched his cheek.

"You said the infinity stones were vanished into thin air, right?" Several heads nodded. "Right. In order to reserve this...tragedy, we need something at least as powerful as infinity stones. You know, by doing this," he made a snapping motion. "With the right intent, we can make everything nice again. Do you follow me up until now?"

They nodded. "That's sounded like a good idea," Steve piped up, frowning. "But putting that aside, we don't have that kind of item."

Tony hummed. "Yeah, it's not like we can go back in time and--..."

One by one, they slowly had a surprised look at turned their head to the hologram.

Tony gulped. "Pete, don't tell me..."

Peter smiled. "Yes, that's what I mean."

"You all will borrow the infinity stones from another timelines."


"--and no, this equation is still not completed. There's the final piece to complete it."

"Final piece?"

"Remember Mr. Lang's latest incident? The sudden appearance of Janet van Dyne, Dr. Hank Pym's wife?" Some winced remembering the incident but nonetheless nodded. "Dr. van Dyne was trapped in Quantum Realm for years after shrinking herself into sub-atomic levels and survived. She didn't even aged that much. Why do you think?"

"...The time moves differently," Bruce concluded softly. "The Pym Particle may have something to do with that, too. So if we can have a hand on it and reconstructed the suit, then--"

Peter cut his musing. "By the way, Dr. Hank Pym together with his daughter and wife were dusted," he said in somewhat amused tone. "Except Mr. Scott Lang. He's still trapped in Quantum Realm, but for him time move much slower. I've asked Checkerface to track his van, you can ask him later."

As if it was his cue, Checkerface entered the room with a flashdisk on his hand. He instantly greeted them with a giant flipping bird.

"Just for you know, I'm doing this for Peter," growled the android. Everyone just nodded before turned their head back to the young teenager.

"You're... Nebula, right?" The young woman tensed as her name was called.

"...What is it?"

Peter was silent for a moment, face frowned uncomfortably before saying, "Just for heads up, in one timeline there can't be two of you. No matter how different between yourself and alternate you."

"What?" She made a questioning sound. "Wait, what do you mean by that--"

"Time's up!" Peter clapped twice, cutting of the above question. "Now I've told you the necessary informations. Starting for now, everything it's on your hand. Ah, since Ms. Danvers is here--"

("How does he know my name?" "Please. Not now.")

"--I must advise you to go visit other planet, since it's not only Earth that suffered this tragedy."

Carol stiffened and nodded briskly. "I will. Thank you, Parker."

"Wait, you haven't explained about that!" Shouted Nebula. "What do you mean by there can't be two of me? Is this something Father had implemented to me without my knowledge?"

Peter shook his head. "No, I've already said too much. The future will be out of control if I alter it more than this."

The hologram started to glitch.


The teenager could only smiled. "It's a one-time recorder; you can't play it again once it ends," he said much to everyone's surprise. "It's for your own good."

Tony held back his own yell and chose to smile back. "Peter, once this ends, you owe me a good explanation. Okay?"

Peter was stunned for a second before nodded.

"Yeah," he answered back.

"I will."

No one noticed the crossed fingers on his back.

"Good luck everyone,


The transmission went dim.





...Farewell, he said.

Peter never said that whenever they parted away. It's always 'see you later' or 'goodbye'.

I don't want to speculate. But with how worried Thor is, Checkerface constantly in bad mood especially when the recorder started playing, and how Peter smiled...

Peter must be planning something incredibly stupid. Far stupid than Steve drove himself to the frozen sea.

Something that, curse Peter and his endless kindness, involving self-sacrificing or similar things.

...God, please,

Prove me it's wrong.

Please prove me that I still deserve happiness, God.




A/N: Welp. It's been a while since the last update, isn't it? Well, let's just... Put all the blame on at my brain that kept popping ideas like rabbit and RL. And FGO, since I once again addicted to farm again and again.

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