(Xover) How to be a Hero but Not as Hero (Part 3)

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Warning: contain spoiler(s). Proceed with caution.

Also, I made Saitama/Tsuna shorter than average. He could be mistaken as first year high schooler because of his boyish voice and short figure. And for that, he always made sure to bring his identity card.

Since Zombieman still hasn't gotten any official name, I gave him a nickname Heli, from Helichrysum. A flower of eternal life.

● Saitama's days rolled on peacefully. Well, if you counted meeting Sonic was peaceful--for Saitama it was. His 'old self' was too accustomed living with dangerous people that he couldn't count Sonic as 'dangerous'.

● On the other hand, Saitama started to remember more of his 'old life'. Namimori, Nana, Sawada, Reborn, Gokudera Hayato, Yamamoto Takeshi.
Lambo, I-Pin, Fuuta, Haru, Kyoko.

Dokuro Chrome, Mukuro, Xanxus, Hibari Kyouya.

Vongola, Varia, Arcobaleno, Tri-Ni-Sette.

Flame, dying will flame, rainbow flame, sky.

Sky flame.

Natsu, Giotto, cambio forma? Byakuran, Enma, Fon, Skull, Lal Mirch, Colonello, Yuni.


For some reason, the last name triggered a hidden anger deep inside his heart. Huh, he wondered why.

● His relationship with Genos was better than he expected. But Saitama still not used to have someone writing everything he had spoken as if it's the word of God. Genos was like, if not worse than, Gokudera back in middle school.

● Exasperated, Saitama finally reminded Genoa about their blatant differences of body.

Saitama sighed as he tried to pinch nose before realized that he still wore his mask. "Genos," he started. "Do you realize we have different body condition?"

A long silence.

"Genos," Gosh, Saitama felt like he was explaining to a child."If you haven't realized it yet, you have robotic body made of parts. While mine consisted by blood, muscles, and bones. Do you get what I am trying to say?"

"!" Genos eyes wideded. "I see! So I've been looking at the wrong point of view!" He exclaimed with excited tone. His golden eyes shone in pure happiness and ideas.

Saitama smiled as the cybord started to make notes. Since Genos is a cyborg, most of my training will be useless for him. He has forgotten that his body is not made of bunch of muscles and bones, rather cables and spareparts. It means Genos' strength lied on his brain--his own creativity. From the start, Saitama couldn't teach him anything.

"Thank you very much, Sensei, I'll be taking leave to Dr. Kuseno!"

"Umu. Please give my regards to him, alright." The masked man waved his hand as he watched the blonde cyborg bolted out from his room.

Now there's no reason for Saitama being Genos' teacher.


● Surprise surprise, Genos came back with bunch of weapon installed on his body. Saitama almost dropped his hotpot.

"You do realize I can't teach you anything, right?" Saitama said with incredulous tone. "So why bother come back?"

"...Saitama-sensei is right. Normally, I shouldn't have bothered to come back, but--" He stared down at Saitama with determined expression. "--I can't ask for a better Teacher, Saitama-sensei. Your wisdom, your own belief of justice is exceptional.

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