(Xover) Vigilant Spider? More Like Guardian Angel (Part 11)

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● Some questions had been answered, but the mysteries still hadn't been unveiled.

Tony trembled, pointing at the sole figure inside the room. He couldn't believe what he had seen. Checkerface was now--

"A human?!"

The bespectacled man twitched in anger. "Say that again and I'll curse in front of Dum-E and Butterfinger."

Tony gasped horrifically. "Don't you dare corrupt my baby, you demon!"

"Try me bitch. I dare you."

"Okay, boys," Natasha messaged her temple. "Enough."

"Party pooper," Checkerface clicked his tongue and crossed his hands. "So? You all finally bring your sorry ass here, what the fuck ya'll want?"

Tony raised two fingers. "First of all, that southern accent don't suit you at all," one finger went down. "And second, how on earth you gained a human body. Explain."

A twitch. "You should be glad that I like your autistic robots ("They are not autistic, they are just under developed you fuckin--") so I won't do what I have promised," he grumbled and flexed his fingers as demonstration. "I won't explain much, but let's just say it's Peter's handiwork."

Again, Tony assessed in bemusement. Another prove that Peter knows much more than normalcy.

Efficiency over power. The synthetic body where Checkerface currently resided was clearly inferior to Vision's in term of power, but in the same time superior in term of similarity with human being.

Showing expression, body language manner, nervous tick, and even his own voice that always latched with pure emotion. Everything he did was very human-like and natural.

If only he didn't have that LED lamp on his temple and voice that always brought his greatest nightmare, Tony would've thought he was a normal human.

Then, for what purpose Peter built it? Why he didn't report it to him?

Why he lead them to here when Checkerface alone could just get out from here and scaring them out of their shit?

((Tony quickly shooed the last thought. Although it's screamed Checkerface all over it, he didn't want to get a heart attack.))

Checkerface let out a heavy sigh. "You know Stark, you need to stop being a Sherlock second coming because you absolutely suck at maintaining poker face," he ignored the offended squeak from the said man and grabbed the recorders and a flashdisk from the corner.

"Like Fri has said to you, I'm here just to guide so you won't make any mess on Peter's personal room. Catch," he threw them to Tony who fumbled it but successfully caught them all without dropping any. "Plug the flashdisk first and then play the hologram recorder. Just a reminder, it's one time only--no, I won't explain why. You'll find the answers by yourself."

They all stared the android in mixed emotions. The instructions sounded really suspicious: why he was very adamant to keep the mystery? Was this one of his game to mess up with them?

Nevertheless, they're already short of option. Thanos was already dead, killed by Thor just when he was going to transport to who-knows-where. The Infinity Stones had vanished into thin air, cracked and crumbled into nothingness when they tried to grab it.

This was the only hope. The sole ray of light that Peter had prepared to them.

Even if it's fished a lot of unanswered questions, they still had to try it. Maybe, along the way, they could find the awaiting answer. They just had to be patient.

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